Camilo-Mora / LocalFolderWebhook

Conver a folder in a local computer into a repository of data to be transfered from another site via webhooks

Repository from Github https://github.comCamilo-Mora/LocalFolderWebhookRepository from Github https://github.comCamilo-Mora/LocalFolderWebhook

Local webhook

Convert local folder into a repository of data that can be transfered via the web from any site that uses webhooks.

Designed by Camilo Mora and developed by Mohammed Ibrahim


Ngrok account authentication token. Refer to next section for how to get the token


  1. Create Ngrok account from here
  2. An email will be sent to you with verification link to verify your account.
  3. Navigate to your dashboard to get auth token.

  1. Copy your authentication token as we will need it later.

Running the app

  1. Download the file in this repository, and unzip it.

  2. Double click the main.exe file, and a window will pop-up.

  3. Click on "Token" button, a pop up window will request your auth token

  1. Paste the token from your ngrok dashboard.

  1. Press Ok, now ngrok will automatically use this account to make the required tunnel.

  2. Click on Browse button, and select the folder you would like to forward the notifications to as .csv

  3. Now copy the webhook, which you can now use in any webpage that accepts wedhooks. That webpage can now trasnfer data via this webhook to your local folder.

Important note

Do not delete the .env file near the exe. It holds the settings for the app.

Also, don't delete ngrok.exe

The files that are transmited should not include special characters as that is used as the file name, and Windows do not accepts special characters.


Conver a folder in a local computer into a repository of data to be transfered from another site via webhooks

License:MIT License


Language:Python 99.8%Language:Shell 0.2%