Camble / fastreg

Fast sparse regressions with advanced formula syntax. OLS, GLM, Poisson, Maxlike, and more. High-dimensional fixed effects.

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Fast sparse regressions with advanced formula syntax. Good for high-dimensional fixed effects.

New: generalized linear models and maximum likelihood estimation with JAX.


To install from PyPI with pip:

pip install fastreg

To install directly from GitHub:

pip install git+

Alternatively, you can clone this repository locally and run

pip install -e .

Optionally, for the maximum likelihood routines, you'll need jax (and jaxlib) as well. See here for detailed instructions.


First import the necessary functions

import fastreg as fr
from fastreg import I, R, C

Create some testing data

data = fr.dataset(N=100_000, K1=10, K2=100, models=['linear', 'poisson'])
y0 y x1 x2 id1 id2
0 0.140 3.450 -0.260 0.958 E 37
1 -0.552 0.955 0.334 -1.046 I 65
2 -0.683 1.517 0.067 -0.631 I 10

We can construct formulas to define our specification. To make a real Factor on x1, use R('x1') or more conveniently R.x1. These can then be combined into Terms with * and then into Formulas with +. Regress y0 on 1, x1, and x2 given pandas DataFrame data:

fr.ols(y=R.y0, x=I+R.x1+R.x2, data=data)
coeff stderr low95 high95 pvalue
I 0.099 0.003 0.093 0.105 0.000
x1 0.304 0.003 0.297 0.310 0.000
x2 0.603 0.003 0.597 0.609 0.000

Regress y on 1, x1, x2, categorical id1, and categorical id2:

fr.ols(y=R.y, x=I+R.x1+R.x2+C.id1+C.id2, data=data)
coeff stderr low95 high95 pvalue
I 0.153 0.033 0.088 0.218 0.000
x1 0.295 0.003 0.289 0.302 0.000
x2 0.594 0.003 0.588 0.600 0.000
id1=B 0.072 0.014 0.044 0.099 0.000
id1=C 0.168 0.014 0.140 0.195 0.000

Regress y on 1, x1, x2, and all combinations of categoricals id1 and id2 (Note that * is analogous to : in R-style syntax):

fr.ols(y=R.y, x=I+R.x1+R.x2+C.id1*C.id2, data=data)
coeff stderr low95 high95 pvalue
I 0.158 0.107 -0.051 0.368 0.138
x1 0.295 0.003 0.289 0.301 0.000
x2 0.593 0.003 0.587 0.599 0.000
id1=A,id2=1 -0.068 0.144 -0.350 0.213 0.634
id1=A,id2=2 0.060 0.155 -0.244 0.363 0.700

Instead of passing y and x, you can also pass an R-style formula string to formula, as in:

fr.ols(formula='y ~ 1 + x1 + x2 + C(id1):C(id2)', data=data)

There's even a third intermediate option using lists and tuples, which might be more useful when you are defining specifications programmatically:

fr.ols(y=R.y, x=[I, R.x1, R.x2, (C.id1, C.id2)], data=data)

Right now, categorical coding schemes other than treatment are not supported. You can pass a list of column names to cluster to cluster standard errors on those variables.

High dimensional

Point estimates are obtained efficiently by using a sparse array representation of categorical variables. However, computing standard errors can be costly due to the need for large, dense matrix inversion. It is possible to make clever use of block diagonal properties to quickly compute standard errors for the case of a single (possibly interacted) categorical variable. In this case, we can recover the individual standard errors, but not the full covariance matrix. To employ this, pass a single Term (such as C.id1 or C.id1*C.id2) with the hdfe flag, as in

fr.ols(y='y', x=I+R.x1+R.x2+C.id1, hdfe=C.id2, data=data)

You can also pass a term to the absorb flag to absorb those variables a la Stata's areg. In this case you do not recover the standard errors for the absorbed categorical, though it may be faster in the case of multiple high-dimensional regressors. This will automatically cluster standard errors on that term as well, as the errors will in fact be correlated, even if the original data was iid.

Generalized linear models

We can do GLM now too! The syntax and usage is identical to that of ols. For instance, to run a properly specified Poisson regression using our test data:

fr.poisson(y=R.p, x=I+R.x1+R.x2+C.id1+C.id2, data=data)
coeff stderr low95 high95 pvalue
I 0.322 0.011 0.300 0.344 0.000
x1 0.294 0.001 0.293 0.296 0.000
x2 0.597 0.001 0.596 0.599 0.000
id1=B 0.072 0.005 0.062 0.081 0.000
id1=C 0.178 0.005 0.169 0.187 0.000

You can use the hdfe flag here as well, for instance:

fr.poisson(y=R.p, x=I+R.x1+R.x2+C.id1, hdfe=C.id2, data=data)

Under the hood, this is all powered by a maximum likelihood estimation routine in called maxlike_panel. Just give this a function that computes the mean log likelihood and it'll take care of the rest, computing standard errors from the inverse of the Fisher information matrix. This is then specialized into a generalized linear model routine called glm, which accepts link and loss functions along with data. I've provided implementations for logit, poisson, negbin, zinf_poisson, zinf_negbin, and gols.

Custom factors

The algebraic system used to define specifications is highly customizable. First, there are the core factors I (identity), R (real), and C (categorical). Then there are the provided factors D (demean) and B (binned). You can also create your own custom column types. The simplest way is using the factor function decorator. For instance, we might want to standardize variables:

def Z(x):
    return (x-np.mean(x))/np.std(x)

The we can using this in a regression with either Z('x1') or Z.x1, as in:

fr.ols(y=R.y0, x=I+Z.x1+Z.x2, data=data)

We may also want factors that use data from multiple columns. In this case we need to use eval_args to tell it what expressions to map, as it defaults to only the first argument (0). For example, to implement conditional demean (which is also included by default as fr.D), we would do:

@fr.factor(eval_args=(0, 1))
def CD(x, i):
    datf = pd.DataFrame({'vals': x, 'cond': i})
    cmean = datf.groupby('cond')['vals'].mean().rename('mean')
    datf = datf.join(cmean, on='cond')
    return datf['vals'] - datf['mean']

and then use it in a regression, though we can't use the convenience syntax with multiple arguments

fr.ols(y=R.y0, x=I+CD('x1','id1')+CD('x2','id2'), data=data)

The factor decorator also accepts a categ flag that you can set to True for categorical variables. Finally, it may be useful to inject functions into the evaluation namespace rather than create a whole new factor type. To do this, you can pass a dict to the extern flag and prefix the desired variable or function with @, as in:

extern = {'logit': lambda x: 1/(1+np.exp(-x))}
fr.ols(y='y0', x=I+R('@logit(x1)')+R.x2, data=data, extern=extern)


Fast sparse regressions with advanced formula syntax. OLS, GLM, Poisson, Maxlike, and more. High-dimensional fixed effects.

License:MIT License


Language:Jupyter Notebook 82.1%Language:Python 17.9%