CamaroTheBOSS / Maze-Generator

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Maze generator with most popular shapes - hexagon, triangle, square. Simple youtube presentation has been prepared in link below:

  1. Theory:
  1. Idea:
  • Program is built based on graph theory. Maze is made of two graphs. The idea is to make a planar graph which creates grid of shapes (hexagons, triangles etc.) and then create another graph which is dual to the first graph. The role of this second graph is to create possible moving ways in the maze. This graph has nodes in the centers of faces defined by the planar graph and edges which connecting every neighbour face with k-nearest neighbour algorithm. The next step is to run Randomized depth-first search algorithm which travels around the dual graph and creates actual maze. The last step is to delete walls which are intersected by the edges of the dual graph.
  1. Program's structure:

3.1 In first step the planar graph is constructed with possibility to change the number of columns and rows of the maze. This creates a structure of the maze (e.g. 10x10):


  • In prepareGraph() function is called Hex() function (or another func) columnsrows times which creates columnsrows hexagons (or another shapes). This function called multiple times creates pretty cool grid.

3.2 Second step is to construct dual graph to the planar graph. It creaetes structure of the possible moves to choose by the algorithm (red one, case 10x10):


  • Dual graph F is created in DualGraph() function which takes another Graph G it will be dual to. Nodes of graph F are computed by calculating center of each face in graph G (average coords from nodes which creates specific face). After that, edges are defined with k-nearest-neighbours algorithm. Not every node has the same number of neighbours, so it is important to restrict k-nearest-neighbours to search in specific radius. "Condition" variable is this radius.

3.3 Next step is to make actual maze. To do this I used randomized depth-first search algorithm (one of many possibilities, one of the easiest and which gives simplest mazes):


  • Firstly, algorithm selects random node from dual graph (red one) and marks it as visited and add it to possible backtracking. Then it makes list with possible ways (edges) to unvisited nodes and selects random way. If unvisited node in nearest neighbourhood does not exists (dead end) it backtracks (move to the last node at the "backtracking" list and removes this node from this list). If unvisited node or nodes exist algorithm selects it randomly and marks new node as visited. Then it adds this node to the "Backtracking" list and adds selected way to the "journey" list which contains traveled ways. After visiting every node the next step is to delete unused ways.

3.4 Last step is to delete walls between cells connected by dual graph's edges (10x10 case):


  • Function DeleteIntersections() deletes all the walls (planar graph's edges) which are intersecting with the ways (dual graph's edges). For every way it takes every edge in face it belongs to. Then intersection is tested. If edges intersect, the wall is deleted and another way is took to test (because way could intersect with only one wall so it has no sense to continue this iteration). To tell if the edges are intersected I use functions doIntersect() which uses orientation(), which returns orientation of the given vectors, and onSegment which tells us whether the intersect point is in the range of the vectors.

3.5 In addition I created a pathfinder which takes given startnode and goalnode. It works with Breadth First Search Algorithm.


  1. Some information
  • It is possible to turn off display of the dual graph (ways), just do not plot dualgraph (comment Zd.plotGraph())


  • Program is inefficient for large mazes (80x80 is constructing 46sec), so it is recommended to test program for max 40x40 size :)

  • To change the type of the maze for triangle maze or square change the "shape" arg to 'Triangle' or 'Square' in prepareGraph() function call

  • To get the best effect in triangle maze call prepareGraph with columns and rows values in ratio 3:2 (18x12, 24x16 etc.)




Language:Python 100.0%