CalsRanna / rsp

RSP Architecture for Laravel.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


About RSP

RSP is a web application library used to make things easier while you building a plain Laravel application. Besides, it provides some efficient commands to let you free while you're coding.

RSP is short for Repository Service and Presenter.

How to use


You can run composer require cals/rsp to install RSP from Packagist.

Or, you can add "cals/rsp": "~2.0" to your composer.json and then run composer update in your terminal to install it.


After you install the RSP, you should put Cals\RSP\RSPServiceProvider::class in your config/app.php providers array to make it work.

If you use Laravel 5.5 and after, you don't need do it cause laravel will auto load the provider.

Then you should run php artisan vendor:publish --tag=rsp to publish rsp.php.



You can use make:repository to create a repository and its' interface, or you can create them manually if you want to. Remember that the repository should extends Cals\RSP\Repositories\Implementations\Repository if you create it manually.

The repository is like below:


namespace App\Repositories\Implementations;

use App\Models\Example;
use App\Repositories\Interfaces\ExampleRepositoryInterface;
use Cals\RSP\Repositories\Implementations\Repository;

class ExampleRepository extends Repository implements ExampleRepositoryInterface
     * Get the full name of model.
     * @return mixed
    function model()
        return Example::class;

    // Put your code here...

And the interface is like below:


namespace App\Repositories\Interfaces;

interface ExampleRepositoryInterface
    // Put your code here...

As you can see, RSP use Eloquent ORM to operate database, so you should create models to map tables. We recommend you and only put your models in app/Models/ instead of app/ which will make your project more plain.

The repository we extended provides nine methods:

  • store(array $inputs) You can use it to store data. The type of returned value is subclass of Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model.
  • all() You can use it to get all records. One thing you should notice is that the type of returned value is Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection rather than array.
  • paginate(array $credentials = null, $page, $perPage = 15) You can use it to paginate records. One thing you should notice is that the type of returned value is Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator rather than array.
  • get(array $credentials = null, array $columns = ['*']) You can use it to get records. One thing you should notice is that the type of returned value is Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection rather than array.
  • getRecordsSortBy(array $credentials = null, array $columns = ['*'], $field = 'id', $asc = true) You can use it to get records sort by the field you give. One thing you should notice is that while $asc is true means the returned value is ascending sorted otherwise is descending sorted. The other is that the type of returned value is Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection rather than array.
  • find(array $credentials = null) You can use it to find a record which satisfy credentials. The type of returned value is subclass of Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model.
  • update(array $credentials, array $inputs) You can use it to update data which satisfy credentials. The type of returned value is boolean.
  • destroy(array $credentials) You can destroy data which satisfy credentials. The type of returned value is boolean.
  • builder(array $credentials = null) You can use it to create you own method. The type of returned value is Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder.

While the returned value has only one record when you use get(array $columns = ['*'],array $crendentials = null), it is still an instance of Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection. So if you want to find only one record and wish its' type is Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model, you can use find(array $credentials = null) or finish it yourself using the method builder() we provided.

While we use RSP, we do not use repository directly in controller. Repository should always provide methods to let service to use it.


You can use make:service to create a service and its' interface, or you can create them manually if you want to. Remember that the service should extends Cals\RSP\Services\Implementations\Service if you create it manually.

The service is like below:


namespace App\Services\Implementations;

use App\Repositories\Interfaces\ExampleRepositoryInterface;
use App\Services\Interfaces\ExampleServiceInterface;
use Cals\RSP\Services\Implementations\Service;

class ExampleService extends Service implements ExampleServiceInterface
     * ExampleService constructor.
     * @param ExampleRepositoryInterface $repository
    public function __construct(ExampleRepositoryInterface $repository)
        $this->repository = $repository;

    // Put your code here...

And the interface is like below:


namespace App\Services\Interfaces;

interface ExampleServiceInterface
    // Put your code here...

The service we extended provides eight methods:

  • store(array $inputs)
  • all()
  • paginate(array $credentials = null, $page, $perPage = 15)
  • get(array $credentials = null, array $columns = ['*'])
  • getRecordsSortBy(array $credentials = null, array $columns = ['*'], $field = 'id', $asc = true)
  • find(array $credentials = null)
  • update(array $credentials, array $inputs)
  • destroy(array $credentials)

These eight methods call methods provided by repository simply. So you can override it to satisfy your needs. And the type of returned value is like above listed in Repository.


You can use make:presenter to create a presenter and its' interface, or you can create them manually if you want to. Remember that the presenter should extends Cals\RSP\Presenters\Implementations\Presenter if you create it manually.

The presenter is like below:


namespace App\Presenters\Implementations;

use App\Presenters\Interfaces\ExamplePresenterInterface;
use Cals\RSP\Presenters\Implementations\Presenter;

class ExamplePresenter extends Presenter implements ExamplePresenterInterface
    // Put your code here...

And the interface is like below:


namespace App\Presenters\Interfaces;

interface ExamplePresenterInterface
    // Put your code here...

The presenter we extended provides two methods:

  • limitLength($field, $length = 40)
  • differentiateForHumans(Carbon $carbon)

The first method is used to limit length and the second method is used to show different form the time you give to now.


After you create your class, you need put it in rsp.php:

 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: Cals
 * Date: 2017/3/8
 * Time: 14:03

return [

    | Repositories
    | This array is the list of your repository. The key should be the full
    | name of interface and the value should be the full name of
    | implementation.

    'repositories' => [],

    | Services
    | This array is the list of your service. The key should be the full name
    | of interface and the value should be the full name of implementation.

    'services' => [],

    | Presenters
    | This array is the list of your presenter. The key should be the full name
    | of interface and the value should be the full name of implementation.
    'presenters' => []

Such as:

    'repositories' => [
        'App\Repositories\Interfaces\ExampleRepositoryInterface' => 'App\Repository\Implementations\ExampleRepository'

Then Laravel can bind the interface on the implementation.


We provide some commands for you to create files which have some basic codes, and you can put your own code into it to satisfy your needs.

The commands list below:

  • make:repository You can use it to create repository class and its' interface.
  • make:service You can use it to create service class and its' interface.
  • make:presenter You can use it to create presenter class and its' interface.
  • rsp:generate You can use it to generate repositories, services and presenters based on registration.


Thank you for considering contributing to the RSP Architecture library!


Cals Ranna


The RSP Architecture is an open-sourced library licensed under the MIT license.


RSP Architecture for Laravel.


Language:PHP 100.0%