Callisto13 / mashed-potatoes

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

dummy repo for testing out

I wouldn't read the code for any of this as I really wasn't trying for style or cleanliness.

NATs pub/example

Install and start NATs:

docker pull nats:latest
docker run -p 4222:4222 -ti nats:latest

Start party api:

go run party/main.go --protocol nats

Start the jokeprovider:

go run jokeprovider/nats/main.go

Curl the API:

curl localhost:8090/enrol?target=jokeprovider

The API will publish an event to the jokeprovider subject. The jokeprovider will be subscribed to that subject. The event will have the action instruction which is based on the original URL. The provider will perform the action.

The benefit to this model is that it is easy to register new Providers with the system. The new provider simply needs to start subscribing to their own name, and Party can then forward actions and data to the correct one without really knowing much about it.

http sender per provider example

Start party api:

go run party/main.go --protocol http

Start the jokeprovider:

go run jokeprovider/http/main.go

Curl the API:

curl localhost:8090/enrol?target=jokeprovider

In this case party is started with a list of registered providers. The targeted provider will be pulled from the query and passed to the http event sender. The event is sent to the correct provider, which executes the action.

For this party would need to read config at start up to be able to know the correct destination of each Provider, so it is slightly more overhead to onboard a new one, but not much really.

This is just using http, but we can send grpc data as well in this example.

grpc example

Start party api:

go run party/main.go --protocol grpc

Start the jokeprovider:

go run jokeprovider/grpc/main.go

Curl the API:

curl localhost:8090/enrol?target=jokeprovider

In this case we are not actually using the cloudevent sdk/system at all, but we are using the cloudevent proto definition to be able to send generic data as events to providers to process.

To generate the proto files:

cd proto
protoc --go_out=. --go_opt=paths=source_relative --go-grpc_out=. --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative provider.proto



Language:Go 100.0%