Callisto13 / dotfiles

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

First-time usage


  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Ensure your SSH key is loaded via ssh-add -l.


  1. Uninstall Rectangle, iTerm, any other cask apps listed in the casks of common.yml and linux.yml OR mac.yml.
  2. Sign into app store and update xcode. Then, open xcode and accept the license. Then run xcode-select --install. You'll need to do this for some inexplicable reason to use the C compiler. Remind me again why macOS is so developer-friendly?
  3. If you do not have Admin permissions, ensure brew has been installed first by an administrator.


  1. ./ <m|l>

Mac post-install

  1. Open Flycut and Rectangle. Set them to launch on login.
  2. Open Keyboard preferences > Shortcuts > Input Sources > untick "Select the previous input source" (or whatever is stealing ctrl+space from our tmux config). This starts off unticked anyway, but will become ticked as soon as you add another input source (e.g. US layout)!
  3. Open Keyboard preferences > Shortcuts > Mission Control > untick all Mission Control things using ^
  4. Make iTerm append Esc to Alt key. Open iTerm -> Preferences -> Profiles -> Keys and change the Left and Right Alt key settings from Normal to Esc+. This restores alt+f, alt+backspace etc.
  5. Hide the dock.
  6. Reload tmux and shell.
  7. Speed up key repeat. (System Preferences > Keyboard > set "Delay Until Repeat" to Short)
  8. Turn on Tap to click. (System Preferences > Trackpad > Point & Click > set "Tap to click")
  9. Make sure you set a Nerd Font as your non-ascii font in iTerm -> Preferences -> Profiles -> Text -> Non-ASCII Font (Inconsolata Mono Nerd Font comes with dotfiles)
  10. Do the things in common post-install below.

Linux post-install

  1. Change key repeat and trackpad 'tap to click' to desired settings.
  2. Do the things in common post-install below.
  3. TODO

Common post-install

  1. Open vim and run :PlugInstall. Not all plugins install unless the shell is interactive, for some reason.
  2. Install TPM plugins (start tmux and press prefix+I).
  3. Enable bash-it plugins and completions. This used to be automated, but they have since merged a change which means bash-it cannot be run interactively. Until we find another way around this, run:
    source ~/.bash_profile
    bash-it enable plugin base fzf git kubectl
    bash-it enable completion bash-it git system kubectl
    bash-it enable alias kubectl

Adding configuration

All config files are symlinked to this repo. To add new things, eg. a new alias, edit the corresponding file in this repo and commit the changes.


  1. verify it all actually works
  2. git autocomplete in bash
  3. Unify tmux configs? It looks like that TPM plugin is cross-platform.
  4. macOS key repeat (this is a bit of a pain to automate as valid defaults values change between releases. Might not even be worth automating)


  • Can't find cask

     failed: [localhost] (item=docker) => {"failed": true, "item": "docker", "msg": "Error: Cask 'gitx-rowanj' is unavailable: No Cask with this name exists."}

    Similar errors to this probably means your homebrew has a cask that is no longer available. In this case, make sure you don't have gitx installed, and manually remove its cask folder from /usr/local/Caskroom.

  • Need admin permissions

    Try and find another way to install, add instructions to either playbook or post-install.

  • Vim warnings.

    Uninstall then reinstall python, python3, pip, pip3. Re-run vim-update.



Language:Shell 100.0%