CairX / game-unity-collection

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Game - Unity Collection

This repository is my personal notebook containing scribbles about the Unity game engine. During the short time I have been using the engine it feels like I have spent equal parts doing developing as I have been doing research. There is some useful information that I would like to remember, because I will without a doubt forget some if it, so here are my notes.

Feature of the C# language, I recommend reading this guide over at Microsoft Docs for further details. Following examples will show have it can be used to extend functionality to predefined components in Unity.

In order to change one value of a Vector3 you have to create a new Vector3 object. An example would that you want to change just the z value of the transform.position. Originally you would write something like the following.

transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, 0);

With extension methods it's possible to make it a little less verbose. To me it also becomes less error prone, know that I have copy and pasted the above a few times and every now and again a value isn't correctly modified.

transform.position = transform.position.ChangeZ(0);

Not all that much difference but do it several times and it's kinda convenient. The following shows how to set it up.

using UnityEngine;

public static class VectorExtensions {
    public static Vector3 ChangeX(this Vector3 vector, float x) {
        return new Vector3(x, vector.y, vector.z);

    public static Vector3 ChangeY(this Vector3 vector, float y) {
        return new Vector3(vector.x, y, vector.z);

    public static Vector3 ChangeZ(this Vector3 vector, float z) {
        return new Vector3(vector.x, vector.y, z);

Extension methods also allow for direct modification in contrast to the example of extending Vector3.


The following shows how to set it up.

using UnityEngine;

public static class TransformExtensions {
    public static void Reset(this Transform transform) {
        transform.position =;
        transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
        transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
