Cackbone / hal

A scheme interpreter written in haskell

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Hal is a scheme interpreter

Building with make

The Makefile use stack. You should install it before building hal.




The REPL is an interactive interpreter. You can launch it with -i flag:

./hal -i


The hal interpreter can also interpret scheme files.

./hal [filenames]

Hal allow you to launch REPL after or before interpreting files and keep the context between files and REPL's inputs.

./hal [filenames] -i


./hal -i [filenames]


You can load hal stdlib by setting HAL_STD environment variable to the path of stdlib folder. Only files with .scm, .sps, .sls, .sld, .lisp extensions will be interpreted in this folder.



Type Description Example Note
number An arbitrary precision integer 42 In next versions number will fit floats and rationals
char A Char is a single unicode character #\a
boolean A boolean can be equal to #t (true) or #f (false) #t
string A type which represent a text "hello world" In next versions string will be a list of chars
pair A pair is a type that can hold 2 elements of any types '(6 . 7) An explicit pair should be quoted
list A list is a linked list made of pairs '(6 7 #\b "hello") An explicit list should be quoted
symbol A symbol is an atomic value that represented like an identifier preceded with `'` 'hello
procedure A procedure is a function (sort '(3 2 1)) A procedure should be apply with `(..)` to be executed
void Void is an empty type


Name Description
cond A cond statement take lists, if an expression of a list is false cond jump to the next list
else Else can be used in cond statement. Else is the last cond clause executed.
=> `=>` can be used in cond statement. The arrow apply procedure on the right side on expression on the left side.
if If work like standard if statement in other languages
and And take many expressions. If one expression is false `and` return false otherwise return the last argument.
or Or take many expressions. Return the first not false expression.



Name Description
(apply procedure [exprs]) Apply a procedure on list of exprs as arguments
(eval expr) Evaluate an expression
(+ ...numbers) Return sum of all arguments
(- ...numbers) Return negative sum of all arguments
(* ...numbers) Return product of all arguments
(div n1 n2) Divide n1 by n2
(mod n1 n2) Return n1 modulo n2
(< ...numbers) Return true if arguments are strictly increasing
(> ...numbers) Return true if arguments are strictly decreasing
(cons x1 x2) Take 2 expressions and return a pair made of them
(car list) Return the first element of a list/pair called `car`
(cdr list) Return values from the second element of list/pair called `cdr`
(eq? x1 x2) Return true if x1 and x2 are equals
(eqv? x1 x2) Return true if x1 and x2 are equivalents
(= n1 n2) Return true if n1 and n2 are equals
(string=? ...strings) Return true if all strings are equals
(string->symbol str) Convert string to symbol
(symbol->string symbol) Convert symbol to string
(string->list str) Convert string to list
(list->string str) Convert list to string
(string->number str) Convert string to number
(type? expr) Return type of an expression

Stdlib - Lists

Name Description
(list ...lists) Make a list composed with arguments
(make-list k expr) Make a list of size `k` fill with `expr`
(sort list) Sort a list in ascending order
(fold-right fn end lst) Recude list from first to last
(fold-left fn acc lst) Reduce list from last to first
(map p lst) Apply a procedure over list elements
(filter p lst) Filter a list with a procedure
(member x lst) If `x` is in `lst` return list from associated pair of `x` else return false
(list-ref lst idx) Get element in list at index `idx`
(append ...lists) Concatenate lists
(reverse lst) Reverse list elements
(length lst) Return length of a list

Stdlib - Math

Name Description
(fact n) Factorial n
(expt x n) x^n
(fib n) Fibonacci sequence at n
(odd? n) Check if number is odd
(even? n) Check if number is even
(positive? n) Check if number is positive
(negative? n) Check if number is negative
(zero? n) Check if number is nul

Stdlib - Strings

Name Description
(string-null? str) Check if string is null
(make-string k c) Make string of size `k` fill with char `c`
(string ...chars) Make string from `chars`
(string-length str) Return size of string
(string-ref str i) Return char at position `i` in string `str`
(string-append ...strs) Concat some string

Stdlib - Types

Name Description
(string? x) Check if `x` is a string
(number? x) Check if `x` is a number
(list? x) Check if `x` is a list
(pair? x) Check if `x` is a pair
(boolean? x) Check if `x` is a boolean
(procedure? x) Check if `x` is a procedure
(symbol? x) Check if `x` is a symbol
(char? x) Check if `x` is a char
(atom? x) Check if `x` is an atom

Stdlib - Miscellaneous

Name Description
(not x) If `x` equal false return true otherwise return false

To do

  • IO
  • Modules with export/import system
  • Some chez-scheme procedures implementation


A scheme interpreter written in haskell

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Haskell 90.4%Language:Scheme 9.1%Language:Makefile 0.4%