A BSV libary providing features similar to the Stmt sub-language

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A BSV library providing a way to easily build state machines, similarly to the Stmt BSV sub-language.

An example

Here is a BSV code sample showing how to define Recipe:

import Recipe :: *;
#include "RecipeMacros.h"

import FIFO :: *;

module top ();

  PulseWire done <- mkPulseWire;
  FIFO#(Bit#(0)) delay <- mkFIFO1;

  Recipe r = FastSeq
    $display("%0t -- A", $time),
    $display("%0t -- B", $time),
      $display("%0t -- C (delay.enq)", $time);
    $display("%0t -- D", $time),
    $display("%0t -- E", $time),
      $display("%0t -- F (delay.deq)", $time);
    $display("%0t -- G", $time),
    $display("%0t -- H", $time),

  RecipeFSM m <- mkRecipeFSM(r);

  // Start runing the recipe
  rule run;
    $display("starting at time %0t", $time);

  // On the recipe's last cyle, terminate simulation
  rule endSim (done);
    $display("finishing at time %0t", $time);


The expected output of the simulator generated when building this code is:

starting at time 10
10 -- A
10 -- B
10 -- C (delay.enq)
10 -- D
10 -- E
20 -- F (delay.deq)
20 -- G
20 -- H
finishing at time 20

Getting started

The library sources are contained in Recipe.bsv. On top of the standard BSV libraries, Recipe relies on the BlueBasics library, which is a git submodule of this git repo. It must be checked out before building Recipe, by running the following:

$ git submodule update --init --recursive

Some Recipe examples are provided in the examples directory. On a system with a working BSV setup, the examples can be built by typing make. Each example can be executed by running the generated script (simExample-*) in the output directory.

Recipe have the added benefit over the standard BSV Stmt type that termination can be detected with no latency, and also allow the user to access any desired internal signal in [Recipe.bsv](Recipe.bsv). Some additional more advanced Recipe constructors can be easily created, such as rOneMatch or rMutExGroup…​

Library overview

The Recipe type is defined as a BSV union tagged:

typedef union tagged {
// union tagged constructors...
} Recipe;

The BSV type constructors can be found in Recipe.bsv, but they are not meant to be directly used and are therefore not exported by the package. Instead, a Recipe is built using a combination of recipe constructors (described in the Recipe constructors section).

To build a state machine from a Recipe, the library defines a mkRecipeFSM module with the following type signature:

module [Module] mkRecipeFSM#(Recipe r) (RecipeFSM);

A Recipe can be compiled using the mkRecipeFSM module to get a RecipeFSM interface as follows:

Recipe r;
// create Recipe ...
RecipeFSM m <- mkRecipeFSM(r);

The RecipeFSM interface is defined as follows:

interface RecipeFSM;
  method Bool   canTrigger;
  method Action trigger;

As their names suggest,

  • the canTrigger method returns True if the machine can be started

  • the trigger method starts the machine

Additionally, the library provides the mkRecipeFSMRules module with a type signature as follows:

module [Module] mkRecipeFSMRules#(Recipe r) (Tuple2#(Rules, RecipeFSM));

As opposed to the mkRecipeFSM module, the mkRecipeFSMRules module will return the compiled Rules together with the RecipeFSM interface rather than adding the rules to the current module, giving the user the ability to schedule the generated rules according to their needs.

The compileMutuallyExclusive module compiles a list of recipes, adds the rules for each recipe such that they are mutually exclusive, and returns a list of interfaces to the generated machines.

Mutual exclusivity of generated rule can be further controlled when declaring a Recipe. See the rMutExGroup recipe constructor for more details.

A readable Recipe

To help define `Recipe`s in a concise and readable way, macros are provided that simplify the calls to common recipe constructors:


is equivalent to


Similarly, macros are defined for Par, FastSeq, Pipe, If and Else, When and While. Those are defined in RecipeMacros.h, which must be included in your BSV sources as follows:

#include "RecipeMacros.h"

Additionally, the call to the BSV compiler should have the -cpp flag together with -Xcpp -Ipath/to/Recipe where path/to/Recipe is the path to the folder containing RecipeMacros.h.

Alternatively, the RecipeMacros.inc file defines the `Seq , `Par , `Pipe , `FastSeq , `If , `Else , `When and `While verilog preprocessor macros, and do not require any additional flag on the BSC compiler invocation.

Recipe constructors

  • The rAct recipe constructor simply wraps an Action

function Recipe rAct(Action a);
  • The rActV recipe constructor simply wraps an ActionValue#(Bool)

function Recipe rActV(ActionValue#(Bool) a);
  • The rSeq recipe constructor creates a sequence of Recipe`s executed in order, with one cycle of latency between each of them. The constructor expects a `List#(Recipe) and should be used to wrap a call to rBlock which allows for arbitrary many Recipe to be placed in a list.

function Recipe rSeq(List#(Recipe) rs);
  • The rPar recipe constructor creates a group of Recipe`s executed in parallel. The constructor expects a `List#(Recipe) and should be used to wrap a call to rBlock which allows for arbitrary many Recipe to be placed in a list.

function Recipe rPar(List#(Recipe) rs);
  • The rPipe recipe constructor is similar to the rSeq recipe constructor, but allows for pipelined execution of the different elements of the sequence of Recipe, where rSeq blocks until the sequence is fully traversed. The constructor expects a List#(Recipe) and should be used to wrap a call to rBlock which allows for arbitrary many Recipe to be placed in a list.

function Recipe rPipe(List#(Recipe) rs);
  • The rFastSeq recipe constructor creates a sequence of Recipe`s executed in order with no latency when possible. The constructor expects a `List#(Recipe) and should be used to wrap a call to rBlock which allows for arbitrary many Recipe to be placed in a list.

function Recipe rFastSeq(List#(Recipe) rs);
  • The rIfElse recipe constructor takes a Bool condition and two Recipe`s. It executes the first `Recipe if the condition is True and the second Recipe if the condition is False.

function Recipe rIfElse(Bool c, Recipe r0, Recipe r1);
  • The rWhen recipe constructor takes a Bool condition and a Recipe`s. It executes the `Recipe if the condition is True.

function Recipe rWhen(Bool c, Recipe r);
  • The rWhile recipe constructor takes a Bool condition together with a Recipe. It executes the Recipe as long as the condition is True.

function Recipe rWhile(Bool c, Recipe r);
  • The rMutExGroup recipe constructor takes a mutual exclusion group name as a String and a Recipe to be added to that mutual exclusion group. When compiling, `Recipe`s belonging to a mutual exclusion group generate rules that will be scheduled as mutually exclusive to those belonging to a different mutual exclusion group. `Recipe`s that are not tagged with any mutual exclusion group are scheduled normally.

function Recipe rMutExGroup(String n, Recipe r);
  • The rAllGuard recipe constructor takes a list of guards List#(Bool), and a list of recipes List#(Recipe). It executes all recipes with a True guard in parallel.

function Recipe rAllGuard(List#(Bool) gs, List#(Recipe) rs)
  • The rOneMatch recipe constructor takes a list of guards List#(Bool), a list of recipes List#(Recipe), and an extra "fall-through" recipe. The first recipe in the list order with a corresponding guard set to True is executed. If no recipe matches, the "fall-through" recipe is executed.

function Recipe rOneMatch(List#(Bool) gs, List#(Recipe) rs, Recipe r)


A BSV libary providing features similar to the Stmt sub-language


Language:Bluespec 84.8%Language:Makefile 9.3%Language:C 5.9%