CSUA / csua-static-website

[NOT IN USE/DEPRECATED] Static version of the website using a site generator (Jekyll)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Getting started:

Install jekyll:

$ gem install bundler jekyll

Serve files:

$ bundle exec jekyll serve

Install webpack/javascript dependencies

$ npm install

Build Javascript:

$ webpack

Misc commands

jq command to convert old database

cat datadump.json | jq '[. | map(select(.model=="db_data.officer")) | .[].fields]' > officers.json

jq command to convert json to csv, when the json is structured as a list of

cat officers.json | jq -r '(.[0] | keys_unsorted),(.[] | [.[]]) | @csv' > officers.csv

Resize office images

find . -name '*.jpg' | xargs -L1 -I{} convert "{}" -resize 200x200^ "{}"

Re-encode gifs

ffmpeg -i Neil_Lingarkar.gif -c:v libvpx -crf 12 -b:v 500K -auto-alt-ref 0 Neil_Lingarkar.webm

(And since mp4 is more well suppported)

ffmpeg -i Neil_Lingarkar.webm Neil_Lingarkar.mp4


[NOT IN USE/DEPRECATED] Static version of the website using a site generator (Jekyll)


Language:SCSS 75.1%Language:JavaScript 10.8%Language:HTML 10.3%Language:Python 3.1%Language:Shell 0.4%Language:Ruby 0.3%