CSTR-Edinburgh / snickery

Hybrid speech synthesiser

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repository contains code used to build the proposed systems presented in the papers Exemplar-based speech waveform generation and Exemplar-based speech waveform generation for text-to-speech.

Exemplar-based speech waveform generation

  title     = {Exemplar-based speech waveform generation},
  author    = {Oliver Watts and Cassia Valentini-Botinhao and Felipe Espic and Simon King},
  booktitle = {Interspeech},
  year      = {2018},

The first part of this README is about use of scripts:


... which can only build a few restricted types of system (selection of epoch-based fragments, greedy search only). They can be used to replicate the system proposed in the paper Exemplar-based speech waveform generation.

Output samples of the systems evaluated in that paper can be heard here.

See section Exemplar based speech waveform generation for text to speech below for details on using other parts of the code - which is less well tested and documented - to build other types of systems.

Setting up

Clone repository:

git clone https://github.com/oliverwatts/snickery.git
cd snickery

Get magphase vocoder:

mkdir tool
cd tool/
git clone https://github.com/CSTR-Edinburgh/magphase.git
cd magphase
cd tools/

Now install tools required by magphase like this:


... or else create symbolic links to tools if you already have them compiled:

mkdir bin
cd bin
ln -s /afs/inf.ed.ac.uk/group/cstr/projects/simple4all_2/oliver/repos/Ossian/tools/bin/mcep ./mcep
ln -s /afs/inf.ed.ac.uk/user/o/owatts/tool/REAPER-master/build/reaper ./reaper

Installation of Python dependencies with virtual environment

Make a directory to house virtual environments if you don't already have one, and move to it:

cd ~/tool/virtual_python/
virtualenv --distribute --python=/usr/bin/python2.7 hybrid_synthesiser
source ./hybrid_synthesiser/bin/activate

On my machine, my prompt has now turned from [salton]owatts: to (hybrid_synthesiser)[salton]owatts:. With the virtual environment activated, you can now install the necessary packages:

## first upgrade pip itself:
pip install -U pip

pip install numpy
pip install scipy   ## required by sklearn
pip install h5py
pip install sklearn
pip install matplotlib
pip install soundfile

Running the tools

Move to a convenient location, which we'll call $WORK and download some data to work on:

mkdir -p experiment/data
cd experiment/data/
wget http://felipeespic.com/depot/databases/merlin_demos/slt_arctic_full_data.zip
unzip slt_arctic_full_data.zip

Extract magphase features from a small set of 120 sentences of the data like this, from the toplevel ./snickery/ directory of the repository you cloned:

python ./script/extract_magphase_features.py -w $WAV -o $FEATS -ncores 4 -m 60 -p 45 -N 120

Edit a single line of the configuration file config/slt_simplified_mini.cfg so that workdir points to the full path your used for $WORK:

workdir = '/path/to/your/work/dir/'

Train like this:

python script/train_simple.py -c config/slt_simplified_mini.cfg

Output is placed under the directory configured as workdir, in a subdirectory recording notable train-time hyperparameters, so that multiple runs can be done by editing a single config file, without overwriting previous results.


python script/synth_simple.py -c config/slt_simplified_mini.cfg

Now you can try changing settings in the config. Important ones to look at:

  • n_train_utts: number of sentences to use (you might have to run extract_magphase_features.py again to obtain features for more sentences). This is the only one where you will need to run train.py after changing it.

These can be changed without retraining:

  • target_stream_weights and join_stream_weights: scale the importance of different streams in target and join cost. These are just python lists of floats.
  • join_cost_weight: overall scaling factor for join stream. Must be between 0.0. and 1.0.
  • multiepoch: how many consecutive epochs to select at each timestep
  • magphase_overlap: how much to overlap selected units by.
  • magphase_use_target_f0: whether to impose the target F0 on the concatenated units.
  • search_epsilon: how much to approximate the search. 0 means no approximation, so find the largest setting where there is no perceptible difference from this.

Finally, this demo is training on all-natural speech and testing with natural targets. Clearly, natural targets will not be available to a real TTS system. Tweak the config to work with synthetic speech.

Exemplar-based speech waveform generation for text-to-speech: hybrid text-to-speech synthesis with Merlin

  title={Exemplar-based speech waveform generation for text-to-speech},
  author={Cassia Valentini-Botinhao and Oliver Watts and Felipe Espic and Simon King},
  booktitle={IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technology},

Output samples of the systems evaluated in that paper can be heard here.

Snickery can be used in conjunction with Merlin to create a hybrid TTS system. We prepared a recipe that uses the slt arctic dataset (wavefiles, state and phone level labels), trains a Merlin model and two Snickery models (small unit and halfphone). The recipe synthesises waveforms from text using Merlin and three different waveform generation modules: MagPhase vocoder, Snickery small unit and Snickery halfphone.


  • a version of Merlin installed in your system
  • a python environment with requirments from both Merlin and Snickery

Additionally from what Merlin requires, Snickery needs sklearn, sklearn and OpenFST (binaries and python bindings; this is only required for the Snickery halfphone variant, see README_FULL on how to install this).

Running the tools

From the toplevel ./snickery/ directory of the repository you cloned:

./script/merlin/hybrid_recipe.sh $SNICKERY $MERLIN $WORK/hybrid/

where $MERLIN points to the path where Merlin was cloned and $WORK/hybrid is the working directory where data, models and synthesized speech will be stored.


Hybrid speech synthesiser

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 92.5%Language:Shell 6.7%Language:Tcl 0.6%Language:MATLAB 0.3%