CSE512-16S / a3-jheer-mcorrell-jhoffs

Example repository for Assignment 3.

Home Page:http://cse512-16s.github.io/a3-jheer-mcorrell-jhoffs/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Team Members

  1. Jeffrey Heer (jheer)
  2. Michael Correll (mcorrell)
  3. Jane Hoffswell (jhoffs)

Project Name


This is an example repository for your assignment 3 submission. (Put your a brief description of your final interactive visualization application and your dataset here.)

Running Instructions

Put your running instructions here. (Tell us how to run your visualization.)

If your visualization is web-based, it would be great if your submission can be opened online. Github Pages is a good and easy way to put your visualization online so you can put your link here. For example:

Access our visualization at http://cse512-16s.github.io/a3-jheer-mcorrell-jhoffs/ or download this repository and run python -m SimpleHTTPServer 9000 and access this from http://localhost:9000/.

If you put your work online, please also write a one-line description and add a link to your final work so people can access it directly from the CSE512-16S page.

Story Board

Put either your storyboard content or a link to your storyboard pdf file here. Just like A2, you can use any software to create a reasonable pdf storyboard.

Changes between Storyboard and the Final Implementation

A paragraph explaining changes between the storyboard and the final implementation.

Development Process


  • Breakdown of how the work was split among the group members.
  • A commentary on the development process, including answers to the following questions:
    • Roughly how much time did you spend developing your application?
    • What aspects took the most time?


Example repository for Assignment 3.



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