CSC322-Grinnell / grantapp

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a simple grant application management service for Greater Poweshiek Community Foundation. The purpose of this website is to allow users to upload their grant proposals to the site. Once submitted, secondary admins (the host or coordinator of a grant approved by GPCF super admins) can appoint certain users to be reviewers of proposals. Reviewers then rank proposals and their feedback can be provided to the user by a secondary admin. An outdated/legacy version of the website is currently deployed at

Repository Properties

  • Ruby version: 2.3.4
  • Rails version: 4.2.0


The application uses AWS S3 to store document files.

The AWS S3 credentials are stored in environment variables managed by the Figaro gem. The credentials are stored in config/application.yml, and this file should never be committed to GitHub. The file is included in .gitignore, which will prevent it from being accidentally committed.

Cloning and Configuration Instructions

  • Clone the repository at
    • It is advised that you create a development branch for easier version control
  • Set up the application bin/setup
  • Request access to the AWS S3 credentials and copy to config/application.yml
  • At this point you should be able to run the website on the local rails server. bin/rails server


Note: The current (as of spring 2019) version is not deployable to heroku, due to Rails being outdated.

In addition to the previous instructions, you will need to follow these steps to deploy to and securely talk to Heroku.

  • Generate a public SSH key ssh-keygen -t rsa Press 'enter' at the first prompt to use the default file location to save the key.
  • Log in to your heroku account heroku login Enter your heroku credentials when prompted. A free heroku account can be created at
  • Add your public key so that you can deploy code to your heroku apps heroku keys:add and enter 'y' to add the key. You can check which keys are associated with your heroku account with heroku keys
  • Check if the heroku remote is there git remote -v
  • If there is no heroku remote (of the form: heroku (fetch) heroku (push)) add a heroku remote heroku git:remote -a <domain-name> for this will be heroku git:remote -a gpcf-grant-app
  • Pull to make sure your branch is up-to-date. git pull
  • Push with git push heroku master or git push heroku yourbrach:master if you are on another branch.

Running the test suite

The following commands run the full test suite:

rspec spec/ (For results to show in terminal)  
rspec spec/ > firstest.txt (For results to show in firsttest)

Migrating Files

rake db:schema:load  Runs the migration activity 
rake db:seed         Runs the seed data 
rake db:migrate      Runs the migration itself  

Database Location

Project_development is inside ~/workspace. Note: this is not the one in db, which was a stumbling block for 2019 production.

Additionally, project_test is for test data or seed data; project_production is currently lost.

Important links

Trello to-do list:
Future to-do list and project details:


License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:CSS 61.3%Language:Ruby 26.3%Language:HTML 8.8%Language:Gherkin 2.7%Language:JavaScript 0.5%Language:CoffeeScript 0.3%