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Amaze Project Smart Contracts

Table of Contents

Run Scripts
Structure of Deploy Output File
[Known Issues]

  • Install Git

  • Install Node.js

  • Clone this repository

  • Navigate to the directory with the cloned code

  • Install Hardhat with npm install --save-dev hardhat

  • Install all required dependencies with npm install

  • Create a file called .env in the root of the project with the same contents as .env.example

  • Place your secret API keys, private keys, etc. to the .env file


npx hardhat compile
npx hardhat test --network hardhat
npx hardhat run <script file name here> --network <network name here>
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network <network name here>

Deployment script takes about 5 minutes to complete. Please, be patient!
After the contracts get deployed you can find their addresses and code verification URLs in the scripts/deployOutput.json file (see Structure of Deploy Output File).
Note that this file only refreshes the addresses of contracts that have been successfully deployed (or redeployed). If you deploy only a single contract then its address would get updated and all other addresses would remain untouched and would link to old contracts.
Please, do not write anything to deployOutput.json file yourself! It is a read-only file.
All deployed contracts are verified on Etherscan.

а) Test network
Make sure you have enough test tokens for testnet.

npx hardhat run <script name here> --network ethereum_testnet

b) Main network
Make sure you have enough real tokens in your wallet. Deployment to the mainnet costs money!

npx hardhat run <script name here> --network ethereum_mainnet

c) Local network

  • Run Hardhat node locally:
npx hardhat node
  • Run sripts on the node
npx hardhat run <script name here> --network localhost

For deployment you will need to use either your existing wallet or a generated one.

Using an Existing Wallet

If you choose to use your existing wallet, then you will need to be able to export (copy/paste) its private key. For example, you can export private key from your MetaMask wallet.
Wallet's address and private key should be pasted into the .env file (see Prerequisites).

Creating a New Wallet

If you choose to create a fresh wallet for this project, you should use createWallet script from scripts/ directory.

node scripts/createWallet.js

This will generate a single new wallet and show its address and private key. Save them somewhere else! A new wallet does not hold any tokens. You have to provide it with tokens of your choice.
Wallet's address and private key should be pasted into the .env file (see Prerequisites).

This file contains the result of contracts deployment.

It is separated in 2 parts. Each of them represents deployment to testnet or mainnet.
Each part contains information about all deployed contracts:

  • The address of the contract (address)
  • The URL for Etherscan page with verified code of the contract (verification)


Admin: Owner (deployer) of all contracts
RFI: Reflection mechanism for token distribution. See official docs for more.

Logic Flow


This contract is meant to restrict specific addressed from using other contracts` functions.
Admin can:

  • Add users to the blacklist
  • Remove users from the blacklist


This is an ERC20 token with RFI logic. On each transaction 2% of transfer amount is taken as fees. These fees are distributed among all Maze token holders.

It does not have a mint function due to restrictions of RFI logic. But it does have a burn function.
The total supply of 100 000 000 Maze tokens is minted to the Admin address at deployment. Admin is free to handle these tokens however he wishes. No tokens are assinged to Vesting(TBD) or Farming(TBD) contracts by default.


The main purpose of this contract is to unlock Maze tokens for users with specific frequency.

Admin side:
The Admin creates a vesting for a user. He spicifies the following parameters of the vesting:

  • reciever: The user to get vested tokens
  • amount: The amount of vested tokens
  • cliffDuration: Duration of cliff period in seconds. During cliff period no claiming of tokens is allowed.
  • cliffUnlock: The percentage (in Basis Points) of amount that will be unlocked right after cliff
  • claimablePeriods: The number of periods after cliff. At the end of each period unlocked amount for the reciever is increased.
    • Each period is exactly 30 days

Notice: cliffDuration cannot be lesser than a min lock duration of the staking - 30 days

After vesting is created, all vested tokens are transferred from Admin to the Vesting contract (and Farming afterwards, TBD).
The amount is evenly distributed between periods.

User side:
If Admin creates a vesting and assigns it to the user, the user becomes a reciever of vested tokens. He can claim tokens either during vesting periods or after all of them (in the second case he will recieve all vested tokens at once). Claiming before the end of the first period will only get him the amount of tokens unlocked on cliff.
Unlocked (claimable) amount is increased only at the end of each period. For example, if Alice claimed 500 Maze tokens after 6-th month and is supposed to claim 500 more after 7-th month, but she would try to claim them any time during the 7-th month, she will recieve no tokens.
Each user might have multiple vestings assigned to him. When claiming, he will recieve vested tokens from all of these vestings at once.
Waiting for a longer period than the number of claimablePeriods will not increase user's vested amount. For example, if there are only 5 periods (5 months) and the user waits for a year and claims tokens afterwards, he will only recieve the amount for 5 months.


Stake your Amaze tokens and receive rewards

Admin side:

To distribute rewards to stakers, the admin first needs to transfer some tokens to the staking and then call notifyRewardAmount(amount), where amount is the token amount. By default it is done in the deploy script, where we send 45_000_000 tokens. But if you want to add more rewards you should follow the steps above. Admin can also change the daily reward rate, it can't be greater than 1e18 which is 100% (1e17 - 10%, 1e16 - 1% etc). Default value is 0.003% or 0.003 * 1e18.

User side:

Users should follow the steps below to lock their tokens and receive rewards

  • approve farming address to transfer their Amaze tokens
  • call lock function with the specified amount of amaze tokens
  • after that tokens are locked for a min locked period - 30 days, the user can't unlock them until this period
  • each subsequent lock will prolong the lock period for 30 days
  • if 30 days or more have passed user can unlock his tokens
  • to receive a reward he must unlock all his tokens
  • then he needs to call the claim function
  • this will start a new 365 days timer
  • after 365 days the user can finally claim his reward

Rewards are calculated with the following formula

R = P * (1 - (1 - r)^t) * U / T

  • P - total reward left in the staking contract
  • r - daily reward rate
  • t - amount of days
  • U - tokens staked by the user
  • T - total amount staked by multiple users

Consider this example:

Let's say we have 1000 tokens that we want to distribute to our stakers and a 10% daile rate. On the first day Alice stakes 50 tokens. By the end of the first day she'll receive 1000 * (1 - (1 - 0.1)) * 50 / 50 = 100 tokens. At the start of the second day Bob also stakes 50 tokens. Therefore Alice's reward at the end of the second day is 900 * (1 - (1 - 0.1)) * 50 / 100 = 45 tokens. Notice that we use 900 instead of 1000 because we distributed 100 tokens in the first day.

All Contracts

All contracts are Pausable and Ownable.

[Known Issues]

[Last Changes]

  • Instead of 45M, 44.5M Maze tokens are sent to farming
  • dailyRate in farming changed to 0.03% = 3 * 10^14
  • Changed the unlock mechanism in farming. Removed 30 day minLock and its checks. Now unlock can be done at any time, but in two steps. First, the user withdraws money from staking (using the unlock, unlockAll function), and then after 21 days he can take it to his wallet (withdrawDelayedUnlock function), until that moment they are stored on the contract
  • Changed the mechanism of claiming in farming. Now you can claim at any time, without the need to unlock tokens first. The claim takes place similarly to unlock in two stages, first collecting the reward (claim function), after which it can be withdrawn to the wallet after 365 days, until that moment they are stored on the contract
  • Removed unreachable checks from _unlock function
  • Added a check to the unlockFromVesting function. Without this check, with incorrect data, you could get an underflow error
  • All commissions and everything connected with them have been removed from the maze token: whitelist, reflection mechanism (used to distribute commissions between stakers). could have missed something. The token actually became ERC20 Burnable Pausable with blacklist



Language:JavaScript 78.9%Language:Solidity 21.1%