CPES-Power-and-Energy-Systems / rec-sizing-rest-api

A REST API for sizing and planning the operation of a Renewable Energy Community (REC) or Citizen Energy Community (CEC) that can promote the minimization of the members’ operation cost with energy.

Home Page:https://cpes-power-and-energy-systems.github.io/rec-sizing-rest-api/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

alt text

  _____   ______  _____    _____  _       _                 _____   ______   _____  _______             _____  _____ 
 |  __ \ |  ____|/ ____|  / ____|(_)     (_)               |  __ \ |  ____| / ____||__   __|     /\    |  __ \|_   _|
 | |__) || |__  | |      | (___   _  ____ _  _ __    __ _  | |__) || |__   | (___     | |       /  \   | |__) | | |  
 |  _  / |  __| | |       \___ \ | ||_  /| || '_ \  / _` | |  _  / |  __|   \___ \    | |      / /\ \  |  ___/  | |  
 | | \ \ | |____| |____   ____) || | / / | || | | || (_| | | | \ \ | |____  ____) |   | |     / ____ \ | |     _| |_ 
 |_|  \_\|______|\_____| |_____/ |_|/___||_||_| |_| \__, | |_|  \_\|______||_____/    |_|    /_/    \_\|_|    |_____|
                                                     __/ |                                                           

Welcome to INESC TEC Renewable Energy Community (REC) Sizing API.

A REST API for sizing and planning the long-term operation of a Renewable Energy Community (REC) or Citizen Energy Community (CEC) that can promote the minimization of the members’ operation cost with energy. This tool was developed under the Enershare project.

Developers // Contacts:


Run the API locally with uvicorn:

$ uvicorn main:app 

(For development, you can include the --reload tag at the end).

Swagger and Redoc

To access the interactive API docs, include the following at the end of the URL where uvicorn is running:

  • /docs (Swagger format);
  • /redoc (ReDoc format);


A REST API for sizing and planning the operation of a Renewable Energy Community (REC) or Citizen Energy Community (CEC) that can promote the minimization of the members’ operation cost with energy.




Language:Python 100.0%