CMNatic / koth-healthcheck

This is a repo for scripts/bins for KoTH-staff to easily do healthcheck on King of the Hill machines.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a repo for scripts/bins for KoTH-staff to easily do healthcheck on King of the Hill machines. You need to have a root shell on machine to try the following codes.

which ls nc curl wget scp cp mv echo printf chmod ps systemctl base64 cat | while read line; do echo -n "$line  "; stat -c "%a" $line; done

(Feel free to add more binaries to it, I think I've missed a lot.) Expected Output:

/usr/bin/ls  755
/usr/bin/nc  777
/usr/bin/curl  755
/usr/bin/wget  755
/usr/bin/scp  755
/usr/bin/cp  755
/usr/bin/mv  755
/usr/bin/echo  755
/usr/bin/printf  755
/usr/bin/chmod  755
/usr/bin/ps  755
/usr/bin/systemctl  755
/usr/bin/base64  755
/usr/bin/cat  755

Any error in above output grants a reset. And someone messed up out of scope.

In Case of King file/service issues/complains:

ls -la /root/king.txt
lsattr /root/king.txt

There should be a king.txt and with no symlinks/alt names.
List attribute can result following most probable outputs:

--------------e----- king.txt
----ia--------e----- king.txt
-----a--------e----- king.txt
----i---------e----- king.txt

All of these are normal.
Simple restart of king.service should fix most of the king issues. Anything that is persistent after that grants a reset.

systemctl restart king


This is a repo for scripts/bins for KoTH-staff to easily do healthcheck on King of the Hill machines.

License:MIT License