CMGreenspon / ChartsWithCharles

A collection of analysis and plotting scripts

Repository from Github https://github.comCMGreenspon/ChartsWithCharlesRepository from Github https://github.comCMGreenspon/ChartsWithCharles

Charts With Charles

This is an assortment of plotting functions (and a couple analysis functions too) to help with making nice plots in Matlab.

Example Plotting Functions
  • SetFont: Allows setting of all default font names and sizes available to the Matlab environment (example)
  • GetUnicodeChar: Lookup function for unicode values
  • AlphaLine: A line graph with error denoted by a transparent box around the line (example) AlphaLine
  • Swarm: A function that allows for combinations of bee-swarm, violin, box and whisker (example) Swarm


A collection of analysis and plotting scripts


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