traceroute-circl is an extended traceroute to support the activities of CSIRT (or CERT) operators. Usually CSIRT team have to handle incidents based on IP addresses received.
- Display abuse and contact for each hop
- Display CIRCL BGP Ranking services (experimental)
- Can highligh specific country to match CSIRT's constituency
- Output RBL entries for each hop
- Output Google Maps traceroute (e.g. a sample output )
- Show ASN origin from RIPE RIS and sources
perl traceroute-circl --ip
perl traceroute-circl --rbl --ip
perl traceroute-circl --country LU --ip
perl traceroute-circl -i -m out.js
perl traceroute-circl -i -o"-I -v"
traceroute-circl v0.3
usage: traceroute-circl [options]
-d, --debug Debug mode
-i, --ip IP address to lookup
-r, --rbl RBL domain to lookup
-b, --bgpranking Output CIRCL BGP Ranking for each ASN
-o, --addoptions Additional option to traceroute
-c, --country Country ISO code to highlight (!!) in the output
-f, --fullcountry Display full country name
-m, --geomap Output file for the google map
-h, --help This help message
--man Display documentation
- Perl
- Perl Module Getopt::Compact
- Perl Module Net::Whois::RIS
- Perl Module IP::Country::Fast
- Perl Module Net::Abuse::Utils
- Perl Module Locale::Country
- Perl Module LWP::Simple (used for Google Maps country lookup)
- Perl Module JSON (used for Google Maps country lookup)
- and an existing "traceroute"/"traceroute-nanog" on your operating system
Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Alexandre Dulaunoy
Copyright (C) 2010-2011 CIRCL Computer Incident Response Center Luxembourg (smile gie)