CIRCL / openpgp-keys-filterlists

OpenPGP keys filterlists maintained by CIRCL

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


OpenPGP keys filter lists maintained by CIRCL. These OpenPGP key lists allow software developers, security analysts or operators to filter OpenPGP keys based on the filter list following the respective category.

There are currently 3 categories of filter list:

Trusted list

A list of trusted OpenPGP key fingerprints.


A list of abused OpenPGP key fingerprints (e.g. such as fake keys, short key-id collision).

Privacy list

A list of OpenPGP key fingerprints where the owners requested a removal due to privacy reasons.

How to update or modify the list?

You can either propose a pull-request to the repository (which will be evaluated by CIRCL) or you can directly contact CIRCL.


OpenPGP keys filterlists maintained by CIRCL