CFMTech / monitor-server-api

Monitor-server-api helps you to collect, historicize and exploit the data from your tests written with pytest and monitored with pytest-monitor.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


CircleCI License Documentation Status PyPI PyPI - Python Version Anaconda-Server Badge Anaconda-Server Badge


For short, monitor-server-api helps you to collect, historicize and exploit the data from your tests written with pytest and monitored with pytest-monitor.

  • Centralize your tests results
    • bring support for pytest-xdist and pytest-parallel
  • Easy data querying through specific queries
  • Integrated library for in-script queries


The server can be launched easily with any WSGI Framework. The following lines can be used for a start:

bash $> # Use it with sqlite (not recomended for production)
bash $> export DATABASE_PATH=/path/to/sqlite/db
bash $> uwsgi --http --workers 8 --process 8 --master 
--harakiri 60 --harakiri-verbose --need-app -w monitor_server_api.uwsgi 
--callable WSGI_SERVER --env DATABASE_PATH=${DATABASE_PATH} --env ENV=prod

If you prefer using conda

bash $> conda activate <your monitor-server-api env>
bash $> # Setup the server to listen on port 8080, 8 workers, 60s max per request and using sqlite
bash $> -p 8080 -t 60 -w 8 -u sqlite:////path/to/db

You can validate that the server runs correctly by going to the root page of the server.


A full documentation with use cases and example is available.


Review the following installation instructions along with basic setup instructions.

You can install monitor-server-api via conda (through the conda-forge channel):

$ conda install monitor-server-api -c

Another possibility is to install monitor-server-api via pip_ from PyPI:

$ pip install monitor-server-api



To run, the monitor-server-api requires a valid Python 3.6+ interpreter. The following requirements are needed:

  • flask-restx (officially supported) OR flask-restplus (tested)
  • flask-sqlalchemy

Testing requires pytest-flask and pytest-cov (along with pytest obviously).


The monitorlib also requires a valid Python 3.6+ along with :

  • requests
  • pandas


Contributions are very welcome. Tests are run with pytest. Before submitting a pull request, please ensure that:

  • both internal tests and examples are passing.
  • internal tests have been written if necessary.
  • if your contribution provides a new feature, make sure to provide an example and update the documentation accordingly.


If you encounter any problem, please file an issue along with a detailed description.

See contributing file for more information.


monitor-server-api is free, open-source software This code is distributed under the MIT license.


The main author of monitor-server-api is Jean-SĂ©bastien Dieu, ]]who can be reached at See AUTHORS file for more contributors.


Monitor-server-api helps you to collect, historicize and exploit the data from your tests written with pytest and monitored with pytest-monitor.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 89.0%Language:HTML 9.9%Language:Shell 1.1%