CFC-Servers / gm_gangbox

A gmod sailor's best friend

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A collection of helpful tools for any GMod developer.

Gangbox (also gang box) is a colloquial term utilized in the construction industry, referring to a toolbox or workbox that can be accessed by multiple workers.


Gangbox offers a lot of useful, time-saving modules. Here are a few of the major ones:

  • ⚠️ Alerts for no-op or silent failures in the GMod API
  • ↔️ Git-Like Table Diffs
  • 🗑️ Helpful Garbage Collector functions
  • 🔎 Asynchronous file finding
  • 🔢 Bitflag pretty-printing
  • 🎲 Functions to return random datasets for testing
  • 📝 Table helper functions (like Map/Filter)
  • 🧵 Super simple Threading functions to run large amounts of work asynchronously
  • 🎨 ANSI Color output for server terminal coloring



Alert modules simply give you printed feedback if you mess something up and it's not immediately clear what you did.

file.Write with an invalid (or no) suffix

In GMod, if you do:

file.Write( "test.blah", "this fails because .blah is not a valid suffix" )

-- or

file.Write( "test", "this fails because it has no suffix" )

It will simply do nothing, because the filename does not have a valid suffix.

With Gangbox, a message is printed (and a non-halting error thrown) in your terminal/output if you write to an invalid suffix: hl2_owARE2QK0x

Entity:AddCallback() with nil return

If you add a Callback function to an entity with an invalid function, or an invalid hook, AddCallback will return nil

Developers typically don't check for this, because realistically it's just a development mistake.

As a result, there's really no way to know that this failed. Gangbox prints an alert and raises a (non-halting) error if this happens, giving you visibility to an otherwise frustrating situation:


Table Diffing

Sometimes you need to compare two similar, but different tables. Usually this means you print both tables and manually compare them.

But that's tedious. Gangbox offers a function that prints a git-like Diff between two tables.


gb.Diff( table t1, table t2 )


  1. table t1
    • The table to compare t2 against
  2. table t2
    • The table to compare against t1


Diff two similar entities save tables

gb.Diff( Entity( 106 ):GetSaveTable(), Entity( 109 ):GetSaveTable() )

File Finding

If you ever need to find certain files by name, the asynchronous gb.Find function is the tool for you.


gb.Find( string search )


gb.Find will asynchronously search through all of the Game files and print a list of any files that match your string search.

You may also use the gbfind concommand.


  1. string search
    • The substring to search for in all qualifying file names


Searches all files for the string "wiremonitorbig"

gb.Find( "wiremonitorbig" )

Or, in your console:

gbfind wiremonitorbig

Bitflag Parsing / Pretty-printing

Bitflags are common in Garry's Mod. Unfortunately, they're difficult to understand on their own.

Gangbox's ParseFlags function will parse any Bitflag in the game and print each flag that makes up the full bitflag.


gb.ParseFlags( any subject, table? flagSet )


Print all of the flags within a given Bitflag.


  1. any subject
    • The bitflag, or subject containing the Bitflag.
    • If subject is a number, the second parameter (flagSet) is required to tell the function what kind of Bitflag it is.
    • Can be one of:
      • number: The bitflag number itself (flagSet must be provided)
      • ConVar: Prints the ConVar's FCVAR_ flags
      • IMaterial: Prints the Material's $flags and $flags2 details
      • Entity: Prints the Entity's Engine (EFL_), Spawn (SF_), and Solid (FSOLID_) flags
      • CTakeDamageInfo: Prints the DamageInfo's Damage Type (DMG_) flags
      • TraceResult struct: Prints the Surface (SURF_) or Displacement Surface (DISPSURF_) flags
  2. table? flagSet (optional)
    • A bitflag table to parse the given subject with
    • (You'll likely want to use one of the flagsets stored in gb.Bitflags)


Parse a convar's Bitflags

gb.ParseFlags( GetConVar( "example_convar" ) )

Generating Random Data

Sometimes while developing, you just need some data. It doesn't matter specifically what data you have, you just need some.

Gangbox offers a collection of Random functions that return whatever data type(s) you need.

gb.RandomBool( number trueWeight )


Flips a coin, but with an optional weight.


  1. number trueWeight
    • Adjusts the likelihood of returning 'true'
    • (e.g. 1 means equal chance, 2 means double chance of true, 0.5 means half chance of true)


"Flip a coin" - 50/50 chance of true/false:

-- These are the same
gb.RandomBool( 1 )

80% chance (4x) of returning true:

gb.RandomBool( 4 )
gb.RandomBool( 4 )
gb.RandomBool( 4 )
gb.RandomBool( 4 )
gb.RandomBool( 4 )

gb.RandomFloat( number scale )


Returns a random float with the given scale


  1. number scale
    • The scale of the float (from -scale to scale)


Return a random float between -20 and 20:

gb.RandomFloat( 20 )
gb.RandomFloat( 20 )
gb.RandomFloat( 20 )
gb.RandomFloat( 20 )
gb.RandomFloat( 20 )

gb.RandomInt( number scale )


Returns a random whole number with the given scale


  1. number scale
    • The scale of the int (from -scale to scale)


Return a random int between -5 and 5:

gb.RandomInt( 5 )
gb.RandomInt( 5 )
gb.RandomInt( 5 )
gb.RandomInt( 5 )
gb.RandomInt( 5 )

gb.RandomNumber( number scale )


Returns a random number (either a float or an integer, equal chance).


  1. number scale
    • The scale of the number (from -scale to scale)


Return a random number between -40 and 40:

gb.RandomNumber( 40 )
gb.RandomNumber( 40 )
gb.RandomNumber( 40 )
gb.RandomNumber( 40 )
gb.RandomNumber( 40 )

gb.RandomString( number len, number minChar, number maxChar )


Returns a random string with the given length, and optionally, a utf8 character range.


  1. number len
    • The end-length of the string
  2. number minChar (optional)
    • The minimum utf8 character to use
    • (defaults to 97)
  3. numer maxChar (optional)
    • The maximum utf8 character to use
    • (defaults to 122)


Return a random string with 30 character

gb.RandomString( 30 )
	-- 21 B



Returns a random Entity on the map. This is Shared-safe, meaning it will not return clientside entities on the Client.


Return a random Entity

	-- weapon_crossbow
	-- models/weapons/w_crossbow.mdl
	Entity (94) {}
	-- 1 total entry.

gb.RandomVec( number scale )


Returns a random Vector containing random values within the given scale


  1. number scale (optional)
    • The scale of the numbers within the Vector
    • (defaults to 1)


Return a random Vector with values between -10 and 10

gb.RandomVec( 10 )
	Vector (8.5804996490479, -7.8739347457886, -8.8563461303711)



Returns a random Angle with values between -360 and 360


Return a random Angle

	Angle (313, -12, 174)
	Angle (3, 333, -307)
	Angle (329, 157, -249)
	Angle (-332, -295, -175)
	Angle (-167, -315, 310)



Returns a random Color


Return a random Color


gb.RandomFillTable( table tbl, number count )


Fills the given table with random data


  1. table tbl
    • The numerically-indexed table to fill with random data
  2. number count (optional)
    • The total number of elements to insert
    • (defaults to 1000)


Fill a global table with 10 elements

mytbl = {}
gb.RandomFillTable( mytbl, 10 )
	-- 0xe18c4c32
		[ 1] = Color ( 32, 203,  61, 255),
		[ 2] = Angle ( 331               ,    9               , -293               ),
		[ 3] = Entity ( 84)               --[[ weapon_crowbar, models/weapons/w_crowbar.mdl ]],
		[ 4] = Angle ( 295               , - 36               ,  326               ),
		[ 5] = Color (195, 169, 179, 255),
		[ 6] = Angle (- 42               , -173               ,   78               ),
		[ 7] = Angle ( 341               ,  218               ,  327               ),
		[ 8] = -  0.84973641542287,
		[ 9] = "frquqhozabmzeycclhzxsbyasnglyhlshrznnxkgsiqsskret",
		[10] = Entity (105)               --[[ viewmodel      ]]

gb.RandomTable( number count )


Returns a table filled with random elements.


  1. number count
    • The total number of elements present in the return table


Create a table with 10 random elements

gb.RandomTable( 10 )
		[ 1] = Vector ( 0.75274169445038  , -0.60511749982834  , -0.17379862070084  ),
		[ 2] = Vector (-0.66277325153351  , -0.6087372303009   , -0.71377575397491  ),
		[ 3] = Vector ( 0.99587422609329  ,  0.72514963150024  ,  0.67650163173676  ),
		[ 4] = Vector ( 0.49982884526253  ,  0.34409433603287  ,  0.82090830802917  ),
		[ 5] = false,
		[ 6] = Vector (-0.10748841613531  , -0.0051460382528603,  0.76348125934601  ),
		[ 7] = -0.31730214164516,
		[ 8] =  0.59660673127015,
		[ 9] = Color (154,   7, 252, 255),
		[10] = Color (228,  65, 213, 255)

Table Helpers

Gangbox ships with a number of table helpers that make sorting through / processing large tables a breeze.

gb.Filter( table tbl, function comp )


Filters the given table using the given function.

Returns a table containing elements that pass the filter.


  1. table tbl
    • The table to filter
  2. function comp
    • The filtering function, takes a single parameter:
      • any element: An element in the table.
        • Return true to keep the element in the output
        • Return false/nil to exclude the element from the output


Filter all Entities, returning only weapons

gb.Filter( ents.GetAll(), function( e ) return e.IsWeapon and e:IsWeapon() end )
		[15] = Entity ( 84) --[[ weapon_crowbar   , models/weapons/w_crowbar.mdl         ]],
		[21] = Entity ( 90) --[[ weapon_pistol    , models/weapons/w_pistol.mdl          ]],
		[22] = Entity ( 91) --[[ weapon_smg1      , models/weapons/w_smg1.mdl            ]],
		[23] = Entity ( 92) --[[ weapon_frag      , models/weapons/w_grenade.mdl         ]],
		[24] = Entity ( 93) --[[ weapon_physcannon, models/weapons/w_Physics.mdl         ]],
		[25] = Entity ( 94) --[[ weapon_crossbow  , models/weapons/w_crossbow.mdl        ]],
		[26] = Entity ( 95) --[[ weapon_shotgun   , models/weapons/w_shotgun.mdl         ]],
		[27] = Entity ( 96) --[[ weapon_357       , models/weapons/w_357.mdl             ]],
		[28] = Entity ( 97) --[[ weapon_rpg       , models/weapons/w_rocket_launcher.mdl ]],
		[29] = Entity ( 98) --[[ weapon_ar2       , models/weapons/w_irifle.mdl          ]],
		[30] = Entity ( 99) --[[ gmod_tool        , models/weapons/w_toolgun.mdl         ]],
		[31] = Entity (100) --[[ gmod_camera      , models/MaxOfS2D/camera.mdl           ]],
		[32] = Entity (101) --[[ weapon_physgun   , models/weapons/w_Physics.mdl         ]]

gb.Map( table tbl, function func )


Runs the given function on all elements in the given table.

Returns a table containing the results of running the map function on each element in the table.


  1. table tbl
    • The table to map over
  2. function comp
    • The mapping function, takes a single parameter:
      • any element: An element in the table.


Returns the type of all elements in the given table

mytbl = gb.RandomTable( 5 )
		[1] = Entity ( 94)               --[[ weapon_crossbow, models/weapons/w_crossbow.mdl ]],
		[2] = Entity (101)               --[[ weapon_physgun , models/weapons/w_Physics.mdl  ]],
		[3] = true,
		[4] = Entity (105)               --[[ viewmodel       ]],
		[5] = Color ( 18, 185, 172, 255)
	-- 5 total entries.

gb.Map( mytbl, function( e ) return type( e ) end )
		[1] = "Weapon",
		[2] = "Weapon",
		[3] = "boolean",
		[4] = "Entity",
		[5] = "table"
	-- 5 total entries.                    

gb.CountRecursive( table tbl )


Recursively counts the total number of elements in the given table. Searches all sub tables.


  1. table tbl
    • The table to count


Returns the total element count in a recursive table

mytbl = gb.RandomTable( 10 )
		[1] = Vector (-0.82562392950058,  0.5458727478981 ,  0.39729726314545),
		[2] = Vector ( 0.79435861110687, -0.79544585943222, -0.37145271897316),
		[3] = "hqqmcspyaicboubkwqdesfaxjlscuvlpsgezuml",
		[4] = Entity (105)               --[[ viewmodel ]],
		[5] = Color (  3,  51,  69, 255) --[[]],
		[6] = "hrnmlwcjfozjkjvcurxjmcrunddoidlgqzcdtoekeu",
		[7] = "ypdcqddrskj",
		[8] = { --[[ table: 0xee9a3b2a ]] },
		[9] =  0
	-- 9 total entries.

		[1] = true,
		[2] = Angle (-230,  286,  128)
	-- 2 total entries.

gb.CountRecursive( mytbl )

Threaded Work Helpers

Gangbox offers a couple of functions that let you split large chunks of work up over multiple ticks, keeping the game from freezing while you're working.

gb.ThreadWork( function func, table tbl )


Run the given function on every element in the table asynchronously.


  1. function func
    • The work function to run on each element. Takes two parameters:
      • any index: The index of an element in the table.
      • any element: The value of an element in the table.
  2. table tbl
    • The table with data to run the worker function on


Generates a cache of functions in _R mapped to the file and line they're defined in. Would normally freeze the game, but threading the work means it can operate over a longer timeframe, only using a small amount of the available tick interval.

nameCache = {}

local worker = function( k, item )
    if not isfunction( item ) then return end
    local info = debug.getinfo( item )
    local sourceFile = info.short_src
    if sourceFile == "[C]" then return end
    local line = info.linedefined
    nameCache[item] = sourceFile .. ":" .. line

gb.ThreadWork( worker, _R )


Thread progress: 19%
Thread progress: 39%
Thread progress: 59%
Thread progress: 79%
Thread progress: 99%
Thread progress: 100%

PrintTable( nameCache )
	function: 0xb5ba2b6a	=	addons/glib/lua/glib/resources/resources.lua:196
	function: 0xb5bb9ff2	=	addons/glib/lua/glib/transfers/transfers.lua:200
	function: 0xbce91832	=	gamemodes/base/gamemode/cl_voice.lua:107
	function: 0xbcec3caa	=	lua/autorun/client/toolsearch.lua:129
	function: 0xbdac5d6a	=	lua/vgui/dcheckbox.lua:56
	function: 0xbe9e6f7a	=	lua/vgui/dmenu.lua:136
	function: 0xbe9f9f7a	=	addons/niknaks/lua/niknaks/modules/sh_datetime.lua:56
	function: 0xbea8edf2	=	lua/cw/shared/cw_cmodel_management.lua:30
	function: 0xbead5c6a	=	addons/mat_faker/lua/missing_no_more/client/progress.lua:52
	function: 0xbeaf0e7a	=	lua/mediaplayer/sh_mediaplayer.lua:231
	function: 0xbf9a58a2	=	lua/autorun/client/toolsearch.lua:129
	function: 0xbf9afa2a	=	lua/autorun/client/toolsearch.lua:129
	function: 0xbf9b982a	=	lua/vgui/dcategorylist.lua:30
	function: 0xbf9b9972	=	lua/autorun/client/toolsearch.lua:129
	function: 0xbf9ed9aa	=	lua/derma/init.lua:56
	function: 0xbfa83b72	=	lua/derma/init.lua:56
	function: 0xbfa918f2	=	lua/tfa/modules/cl_tfa_models.lua:3
	function: 0xbfa9bc7a	=	lua/derma/init.lua:56
	function: 0xbfaa6d62	=	lua/vgui/dimage.lua:149
	function: 0xbfacadfa	=	addons/ulib/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:97
	function: 0xbfbabe32	=	lua/autorun/client/toolsearch.lua:129
	function: 0xbfbbaf2a	=	lua/autorun/client/toolsearch.lua:129
	function: 0xbfceba72	=	lua/autorun/client/toolsearch.lua:129
	function: 0xbfcebd2a	=	lua/derma/init.lua:56
	function: 0xc4898a22	=	lua/autorun/client/toolsearch.lua:129
	function: 0xc48d09aa	=	lua/vgui/dcheckbox.lua:162
	function: 0xc48d2dfa	=	addons/cfc_wire/lua/entities/gmod_wire_egp/lib/egplib/queuesystem.lua:130
	function: 0xc48ed962	=	lua/vgui/dcategorycollapse.lua:166
	function: 0xc48fbd22	=	lua/autorun/client/toolsearch.lua:129
	function: 0xc49cffaa	=	lua/vgui/dtree_node.lua:553

gb.Thread( function func )


This one is cool. Give gb.Thread any function that runs work in a for loop (pairs or ipairs), and the work will be run asynchronously instead, with no code changes required to the base function.

This is great if you need to run huge functions from another addon where you can't change the source, but you don't want it to freeze the game.


  1. function func
    • The worker function. Takes no parameters.


Same example as before, generating a source cache for all functions in _R, but this time, the function is defined by itself, and we Thread it after it's instantiated.

nameCache = {}

local worker = function()
    for _, item in ipairs( _R ) do
        if not isfunction( item ) then return end
        local info = debug.getinfo( item )
        local sourceFile = info.short_src
        if sourceFile == "[C]" then return end
        local line = info.linedefined
        nameCache[item] = sourceFile .. ":" .. line

gb.Thread( worker )


Thread progress: 19%
Thread progress: 39%
Thread progress: 59%
Thread progress: 79%
Thread progress: 99%
Thread progress: 100%

PrintTable( nameCache )
	function: 0xb5ba2b6a	=	addons/glib/lua/glib/resources/resources.lua:196
	function: 0xb5bb9ff2	=	addons/glib/lua/glib/transfers/transfers.lua:200
	function: 0xbce91832	=	gamemodes/base/gamemode/cl_voice.lua:107
	function: 0xbcec3caa	=	lua/autorun/client/toolsearch.lua:129
	function: 0xbdac5d6a	=	lua/vgui/dcheckbox.lua:56
	function: 0xbe9e6f7a	=	lua/vgui/dmenu.lua:136
	function: 0xbe9f9f7a	=	addons/niknaks/lua/niknaks/modules/sh_datetime.lua:56
	function: 0xbea8edf2	=	lua/cw/shared/cw_cmodel_management.lua:30
	function: 0xbead5c6a	=	addons/mat_faker/lua/missing_no_more/client/progress.lua:52
	function: 0xbeaf0e7a	=	lua/mediaplayer/sh_mediaplayer.lua:231
	function: 0xbf9a58a2	=	lua/autorun/client/toolsearch.lua:129
	function: 0xbf9afa2a	=	lua/autorun/client/toolsearch.lua:129
	function: 0xbf9b982a	=	lua/vgui/dcategorylist.lua:30
	function: 0xbf9b9972	=	lua/autorun/client/toolsearch.lua:129
	function: 0xbf9ed9aa	=	lua/derma/init.lua:56
	function: 0xbfa83b72	=	lua/derma/init.lua:56
	function: 0xbfa918f2	=	lua/tfa/modules/cl_tfa_models.lua:3
	function: 0xbfa9bc7a	=	lua/derma/init.lua:56
	function: 0xbfaa6d62	=	lua/vgui/dimage.lua:149
	function: 0xbfacadfa	=	addons/ulib/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:97
	function: 0xbfbabe32	=	lua/autorun/client/toolsearch.lua:129
	function: 0xbfbbaf2a	=	lua/autorun/client/toolsearch.lua:129
	function: 0xbfceba72	=	lua/autorun/client/toolsearch.lua:129
	function: 0xbfcebd2a	=	lua/derma/init.lua:56
	function: 0xc4898a22	=	lua/autorun/client/toolsearch.lua:129
	function: 0xc48d09aa	=	lua/vgui/dcheckbox.lua:162
	function: 0xc48d2dfa	=	addons/cfc_wire/lua/entities/gmod_wire_egp/lib/egplib/queuesystem.lua:130
	function: 0xc48ed962	=	lua/vgui/dcategorycollapse.lua:166
	function: 0xc48fbd22	=	lua/autorun/client/toolsearch.lua:129
	function: 0xc49cffaa	=	lua/vgui/dtree_node.lua:553


A gmod sailor's best friend

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Lua 100.0%