Generate .obj and CityGML(.gml) files for virtual city 3D scene
visualization of generated virtual city 3D scene (with relief, different color for features)
visualization of generated virtual city 3D scene (without relief)
If generate building LOD>=2
python <random_seed ∈ [0, 65535] (int)> \
--lod_building <lod_building (0, 1, 2) (int)> \
--storey_low <storey_low ∈ [1, 50] (int)>
--storey_high <storey_high ∈ [1, 50] (int)>
--prob_t1 <prob_t1 ∈ [0., 1.]> \
--prob_t2 <prob_t2 ∈ [0., 1.]> \
--prob_t3 <prob_t3 ∈ [0., 1.]> \
--prob_t4 <prob_t4 ∈ [0., 1.]> \
--prob_t5 <prob_t5 ∈ [0., 1.]> \
--prob_t6 <prob_t6 ∈ [0., 1.]> \
--prob_t7 <prob_t6 ∈ [0., 1.]> \
--lod_road <lod_road (1)> \
--road_width_main <road_width_main (float)> \
--road_width_sub <road_width_sub (float)> \
--lod_vegetation <lod_vegetation (0, 1, 2) (int)> \
--low_tree_ratio <low_tree_ratio (float)> \
--high_tree_ratio <high_tree_ratio (float)> \
--lod_device <lod_device (0, 1, 2) (int)> \
--telegraph_pole_ratio <telegraph_pole_ratio (float)> \
--traffic_light_ratio <traffic_light_ratio (float)> \
--lod_relief <lod_relief (0, 1) (int)>
--output <output_folder (str)>
Command instance:
python 1024 --lod_building 2 --prob_t1 0.2 --prob_t2 0.3 --prob_t3 0.3 --prob_t4 0 --prob_t5 0.2 --prob_t6 0 --prob_t7 0 --lod_road 1 --road_width_main 1 --road_width_sub 0.1 --lod_vegetation 2 --low_tree_ratio 0.1 --high_tree_ratio 1 --lod_device 2 --telegraph_pole_ratio 1 --traffic_light_ratio 0.1 --lod_relief 1 --output ./result
CityGML(.gml) of building, LOD 2:
Change the random seed, generate different scene:
python 1888 --lod_building 2 --prob_t1 0.2 --prob_t2 0.3 --prob_t3 0.3 --prob_t4 0 --prob_t5 0.2 --prob_t6 0 --prob_t7 0 --lod_road 1 --road_width_main 1 --road_width_sub 0.1 --lod_vegetation 2 --low_tree_ratio 0.1 --high_tree_ratio 1 --lod_device 2 --telegraph_pole_ratio 1 --traffic_light_ratio 0.1 --output ./result
Example of Building/Vegetation/CityFurniture LOD=1:
python 1024 --lod_building 1 --storey_low 2 --storey_high 10 --lod_road 1 --road_width_main 1 --road_width_sub 0.1 --lod_vegetation 1 --low_tree_ratio 0.1 --high_tree_ratio 1 --lod_device 1 --telegraph_pole_ratio 1 --traffic_light_ratio 0.1 --output ./result
CityGML(.gml) of building, LOD 1:
For this code, we should have the basic 3D component, such as .obj files of buildings/vegetation/trafficLights/..., the dataset should be organized as below:
└── data
├── src_2d
│ ├──dem
│ └──shp
└── src_3d
- Fix the issue that the CityGML(.gml) output doesn't exactly up to standard.