CAU-DOSC / DevSet1

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

과제2: 개발 / 실행 / 분석

  • 5(4)명이 1 team으로 작업
    • 조장(1) , 조원(나머지)
    • 각조에 대하여 조장이 maintainer인 repository DevSetN부여
      • DevSet2, DevSet2, … DevSet9
      • DevSet1 repository 에 guide 등 관련 내용 posting
      • Repository DevSetN 은 조장(maintainer)만 push 할 수 있음
      • 조원은 maintainer에게 PR을 통하여 push 가능
    • 각 repository에는 다음의 file 들이 생성되어야 함
      • README. md : 과제진행에 대한 설명, 역할분담 등등
      • : 과제 결과 분석에 대한 내용 기록(진행과정 포함) +Source files
  • Works to do
    • Implementation of each code
      • Unit test for implementations
        • Periodic(or continuous) build and smoke test
      • Performance tuning
      • Due to June 21st
  • 수행방법은 조별로 협의를 통하여 결정하여 실행
    • 모든 조원이 아래 각 부문에 역할이 정의되고 실행되어야 함
      • Implementation of code(unit test를 포함하여)
      • Performance 측정을 통한 분석 및 개선

Problem: SET Implementation

  • A sorted sequence of m random integers in [0, maxval), without duplicates
    • SET implementation of ‘maxval’ elements
  • Same interfaces with different implementation of 5 data structures
    • Arrays
    • Simple lists
    • Binary search tree(list)
    • Bit vectors
    • Bins (buckets)
  • Experiments 5 implementation with proper ‘maxval’ and ‘m’ values
    • Time complexity – elapsed time to create m-elements set
    • Space complexity – spaces required to create same set
  • Refine implementation to get reasonable performance result
    • Performance rank in terms of TIME and SPACE


  • IntSet as set of integers

    • IntSetxxx: xxx as a qualifier
    • IntSetArr, IntSetList, IntSetBST, IntSetBitVec, IntSetBins
  • intSetImp(int maxelems, int maxval)

    • initializes the set to empty
    • maxelems: maximum number of elements
    • maxval: maximum value of any element
  • insert(int element)

    • adds a new integer to the set, if it is not already present
  • size()

    • tells the current number of elements
  • report(int *v)

    • returns elements in sorted order

A C++ code

  • An example code to generate a sorted set of random integers

void gensets(int m, int maxval)

{ int *v = new int[m];

  IntSetImp S(m, maxval);

  while (S.size() < m)

	    S.insert(bigrand() % maxval);;

for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)

  cout << v[i] << "\n";


Performance tuning

  • maxval = n = 〖10〗^8 , 〖10〗^6

  • maxelements: m = n/100, n/50, n/25

  • Set generation experiments measured for 5 cases excluding i/o

    • Time elapsed
      • initialize / insert / report / Total
    • Total space required
      • for SET implementation
  • Improve performance

    • Implementation and measure
    • Performance upgrade iterations

EX: code for bit vector

class IntSetBitVec {


enum { BITSPERWORD = 32, SHIFT = 5, MASK = 0x1F };

int n, hi, *x;

void set(int i) { x[i>>SHIFT] |= (1<<(i & MASK)); }

void clr(int i) { x[i>>SHIFT] &= ~(1<<(i & MASK)); }

int test(int i) { return x[i>>SHIFT] & (i<<(i & MASK)); }


IntSetBitVec(maxelements, maxval)

{ hi = maxval;

  x = new int[1 + hi/BITSPERWORD];

  for (int i = 0; i < hi; i++)


   n = 0;


int size() { return n; }

void insert(t)

{ if (test(t))





void report(int *v)

{ j = 0

for (int i = 0; i < hi; i++)

	if test(i)

		v[j++] = i


