C3n7ral051nt4g3ncy / Discord-and-Telegram-OSINT-references

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Telegram resource page

External lookups

Search engines:

Programmable Search Engines:

Google Dorks:

  • site:t.me/joinchat
  • site:t.me/*
  • site:t.me
  • site:telegram.me

*This works well with Instant Data Scraper or alternative browser extension scraper.

GitHub Resources:

3rd party resources (mostly paid) for Telegram Monitoring:

  • webz.io
  • rss.app
  • inoreader.com
  • osintcombine.com
  • shadowdragon.io
  • QOMPLX.com

Good site for additional research

Discord resources

External lookups

GitHub Resources:

User and Server Lookup Tools:

Internal lookups

User details that can be extracted from Discord (authenticated):

  • User ID
  • Username
  • Profile picture
  • Profile banner
  • Badges
  • Roles
  • Date of creation/ Date of join per server
  • Account type
  • Client (desktop, mobile)
  • Status (online/Offline)

Gateway code(heartbeat/websocket codes)



Public Flag lookup for displayed badges:


[Public Flag list]

These are the 'public_flag' codes in the output from the user's account.

Example - 'public_flags': 256 == Hypesquad_online_house_3
