C3-Protocol / NFT-standards

Propose standards for dfinity NFT tokens

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Launched your NFT on CCC MarketPlace

support other NFT project launched on CCC platform marketplace

How to launched your NFT on CCC marketplace


it's the major smart contract, store all the nft-owner relationship,and support list/updateList/cancelList/transferFrom/batchTransferFrom/buyNow and so on.


it store all the NFT transaction records, so every tx can be tracked. use a List canister to store all history,when canister is full,can new a canister automiclly

what you need to do?

  1. deploy the two canister: NFT.mo, and metaData.mo
  2. create storage.mo canister used to store tx history
  3. set nft-owner relationship into NFT canister(through airdrop/mint/pubsell interface)
  4. set your nft-store(store photo and provide https_request) canister-id(metaData.mo) into NFT canister

provide your nft-store canister-id, and set into the NFT canister, yout nft-store canister must provide a https_request to show your nft-photo or nft-video, than ccc web-front can show them on marketplace.


Must Interface

/// @notice Transfer ownership of an NFT -- THE CALLER IS RESPONSIBLE
/// @param _from The current owner of the NFT
/// @param _to The new owner
/// @param _tokenId The index NFT to transfer
/// @return tokenIndex if success, errorcode otherwise
public shared(msg) func transferFrom(from: Principal, to: Principal, tokenIndex: TokenIndex): async TransferResponse 

/// @notice List your Nft on marketplace
/// @param listReq include tokenindex and price
/// @return tokenIndex if success, errorcode otherwise
public shared(msg) func list(listReq: ListRequest): async ListResponse

/// @notice cancelList your Nft from marketplace
/// @param listReq include tokenindex and price
/// @return tokenIndex if success, errorcode otherwise
public shared(msg) func cancelList(listReq: ListRequest): async ListResponse

/// @notice updateList your Nft from marketplace
/// @param listReq include tokenindex and price
/// @return tokenIndex if success, errorcode otherwise
public shared(msg) func updateList(listReq: ListRequest): async ListResponse

/// @notice buyNow buy Nft from marketplace
/// @param buyRequest include tokenindex, feeTo and marketFeeRatio
/// @return tokenIndex if success, errorcode otherwise
public shared(msg) func buyNow(buyRequest: BuyRequest): async BuyResponse

/// @notice get all list nft
/// @return all listed NFT
public query func getListings() : async [(NftPhotoStoreCID, Listings)]

/// @notice Query the NFTs that have been traded recently
/// @return all Sold-listed NFT
public query func getSoldListings() : async [(NftPhotoStoreCID, SoldListings)]

/// @notice check if the index-nft listed
/// @return list-info
public query func isList(index: TokenIndex) : async ?Listings

/// @notice getAllNFT get all nft by principal-id
/// @param user principal-id
/// @return all user nft
public query func getAllNFT(user: Principal) : async [(TokenIndex, Principal)]

/// @notice balanceOf get number of user nfts
/// @return number
public query func balanceOf(user: Principal) : async Nat

/// @notice upload Nft-Image to canister
/// @param token_id & image blob data
/// @return true if success, false otherwise
public shared(msg) func uploadImage(token_id: Nat,tokenImage: Blob): async Bool

/// @notice http_request display Nft-Photo/video
/// @param request
public query func http_request(request: HttpRequest) : async HttpResponse


/// @notice addRecord add tx record into storage canister
shared(msg) func addRecord(index: TokenIndex, op: Operation, from: ?Principal, to: ?Principal, price: ?Nat, timestamp: Time.Time) : async () 

/// @notice addBuyRecord add buyRecord into storage canister
public shared(msg) func addBuyRecord(index: TokenIndex, from: ?Principal, to: ?Principal,
price: ?Nat, timestamp: Time.Time) : async ()

Optioin Interface


/// @notice mint mint nft to users
/// @param mintRequest
/// @return MintResponse
public shared(msg) func mint(amount: Nat): async MintResponse

/// @notice accroding to your nft project logic
public shared(msg) func claimAirDrop(): async Bool 

/// @notice Change or reaffirm the approved address for an NFT
///  Throws unless msg.caller is the current NFT owner, or an authorized
///  operator of the current owner.
/// @param _approved The new approved NFT controller
/// @param tokenIndex The index NFT to approve
/// @return True if success, false otherwise
public shared(msg) func approve(approve: Principal, tokenIndex: TokenIndex): async Bool

/// @notice Enable or disable approval for a third party ("operator") to manage
///  all of msg.caller assets
/// @dev Emits the ApprovalForAll event. The contract MUST allow
///  multiple operators per owner.
/// @param _operator Address to add to the set of authorized operators
/// @param _approved True if the operator is approved, false to revoke approval
/// @return True if success, false otherwise
public shared(msg) func setApprovalForAll(operatored: Principal, approved: Bool): async Bool

/// @notice batchTransfer ownership of some NFT -- THE CALLER IS RESPONSIBLE
/// @param _from The current owner of the NFT
/// @param _tos The new owners
/// @param tokenIndexs The index NFT to transfer
/// @return tokenIndex if success, errorcode otherwise
public shared(msg) func batchTransferFrom(from: Principal, tos: [Principal], tokenIndexs: [TokenIndex]): async TransferResponse

What benefit of launched on ccc marketplace.

  • we use WICP that created by C3-Prootocol, alreay have more than 4k customers, and more than 73K+ WICP transactions. you can check the website. https://opdit-ciaaa-aaaah-aa5ra-cai.ic0.app/#/index use WICP can guarantee the atomic transaction.

  • We put the account that receives the commission in the parameters of buyNow, that means all front-end trading markets can integrate this standard nft to earn commission fees. and project can set royaltyfeeRatio to earn royalty fee at every transaction.


1. create canister

dfx canister --network ic create NFT
dfx canister --network ic create nftMetaData

2. install canister

dfx canister --network ic install NFT --argument '(principal "${owner_PrincipalId}", principal "${royaltyfeeto_PrinciaplId}", principal "${cccmintFee_principalId}", principal "7xlb5-raaaa-aaaai-qa2ja-cai")'
dfx canister --network ic  install nftMetaData --argument '(principal "${owner_PrincipalId}")'

2. upload all nft photo/video/.. to nftMetaData

dfx canister --network=ic call nftMetaData_CID uploadImage '(${index}:nat, Blob)'
dfx canister --network ic  call NFT setNftCanister '(vec { principal "${nftMetaData_CID}"})'

3. create storage canister to store tx history

dfx canister --network ic  call DfinityGangNFT newStorageCanister '(principal "${owner_PrincipalId}")'

4. upload airdropList/ discountList

dfx canister --network ic  call NFT uploadAirDropList '(vec {record {user=principal "${user_principalid}";remainTimes=${times}:nat}})'
dfx canister --network ic  call NFT uploadDisCountList '(vec{ record {user=principal "${user_principalid}${user_principalid}"; disCount=50:nat } })'

5. preMint used to reserve some nft

dfx canister --network ic call NFT preMint '(vec { record { user=principal "${user_principalid}";index=${index}:nat} } )'

6. set project opentime

dfx canister --network ic --no-wallet call NFT  setOpenTime '(1640157488000000000)'

7. claimAirdrop

now all guys in airdrop list can claim a random airdrop

8. mint

now all guys can mint random nft. guys who are in discount list can buy discount, discount only can use once, others buy normal price.

9. list

list on marketplace though list interface

10. buyNow

buy nft thought marketplace.

11. important:

buyRequset have 2 special paramters: FeeTo and marketFeeRatio, means all developer can make a front-web to integrate this standard NFT to earn commission fee.

Contract us

Twitter: https://twitter.com/CCCProtocol

Email: C3-Protocol@outlook.com


Propose standards for dfinity NFT tokens

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Motoko 75.4%Language:JavaScript 24.6%