C2FO / thumbs


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thumbs is a library built on top of backbone that provides many new features to help reduce the amount of boilerplate required when building backbone applications.


npm install thumbs

Or download the source (minified)

Note thumbs depends on backbone


thumbs exposes all backbone functionality so you can use it in place of backbone when creating your application.


thumbs exposes a Class constructor to enable the creation of objects that are not a View or Model.

For example, you could use thumbs.Class to create a Poller.

 var Poller = thumbs.Class.extend({

    initialize : function(model){
        this.model = model;
        this.__polling = false;
        this.__pollTimer = null;

    sync : function(){

    poll : function () {
        if (this.__polling) {
            this.__pollTimer = setTimeout(this.sync, this.interval);
        return this;

    start : function () {
        if (!this.__polling) {
            this.__polling = true;
        return this;

    stop : function () {
        if (this.__polling) {
            this.__polling = false;
        return this;


###_super(methodName, arguments)

thumbs provides a _super method for calling the inherited methods, making subclassing easier.

The _super method is added to:

  • thumbs.Collection
  • thumbs.Model
  • thumbs.View
  • thumbs.TemplateView
  • thumbs.Router
  • thumbs.History
  • thumbs.Class
var myView = thumbs.View.extend({

    render : function(){
        this._super("render", arguments);
        //do our render code
        return this;



thumbs builds on top of backbone.View by providing new functionality while still maintaining full compatibilty.


thumbs.View implements the ability to add data attributes to your el to specify behavior, reducing the amount of boilerplate required to create a view.


The data-thumbs-id attribute allows you to specify elements that you want as a property on a view.

Assume you have the following in your view's DOM.

    <div data-thumbs-id='firstName'>

You could then reference that div by either $firstName to get the wrapped element or by firstName to get the actual DOM node.

var MyView = thumbs.View.extend({

    render : function(){
        this._super("render", arguments);



The data-thumbs-delegate attribute allows you to specify event handlers in your DOM Node.

    <button data-thumbs-delegate="click:buttonClicked">Test Button</button>
var MyView = thumbs.View.extend(function(){

    buttonClicked : function(){
        alert("Button Clicked!");


To bind to multiple events, you can separate your events by a space.

    <button data-thumbs-delegate="click:buttonClicked focus:buttonFocused">Test Button</button>
var MyView = thumbs.View.extend(function(){

    buttonClicked : function(){
        alert("Button Clicked!");

    buttonFocused : function(){
        alert("Button Focused!");



The data-thumbs-bind attribute allows you to specify model attributes that should be bound to a DOM element.

The data-thumbs-bind event will automatically try to determine how to apply the attribute to the DOM node based off node type. For input elements, thumbs flexes based on input type. For radio or checkbox, it sets the checked attribute, otherwise it sets the value of the element.

    <input type="radio" data-thumbs-bind="isChecked"/>
    <input data-thumbs-bind="lastName"/>

If the DOM element is not an input (i.e. a div), then it will set the text of the element.

    <div data-thumbs-bind="firstName"></div>
    <span data-thumbs-bind="lastName"></span>

data-thumbs-bind listens for changes on any bound property and automatically updates the element.

If you wish to specify what property/attribute to set on an element you can also use the <attribute|function>:<modelProperty> syntax.

    <input type="radio" data-thumbs-bind="checked:isChecked"/>
    <input data-thumbs-bind="val:lastName"/>

As with data-thumbs-delegate, you can specify multiple attributes to be set by seperating with a space.

    <input type="radio" data-thumbs-bind="checked:isChecked data-model-isChecked:isChecked"/>


The data-thumbs-bind-event allows you to listen for model changes at the view level rather than at the element level.

<div data-thumbs-bind-event="change:modelChange destroy:modelDestroy sync:modelSync error:modelError">
        <input type="radio" data-thumbs-bind="isChecked"/>
var MyView = thumbs.View.extend({

    modelChange : function(){
        alert("Model Changed!");

    modelDestroy : function(){
        alert("Model Destroyed!");

    modelSync : function(){
        alert("Model Synced!");

    modelError : function(){
        alert("Model Error!");



The data-thumbs-bind-class attribute allows you to toggle classes based on a truthy value.

In this example the class "visible" is added/removed based on the model attribute isChecked.

<p data-thumbs-bind-class="visible:isChecked"></p>


The data-thumbs-format attribute allows the specification of a formatting function. This is typically used in tandem with data-thumbs-bind.

data-thumbs-format will look for a function matching the given name.

For example, suppose you had a value that is a currency.

    <span data-thumbs-bind="income" data-thumbs-format="formatCurrency"></span>

In your view add a function matching the data-thumbs-format value.

var MyView = thumbs.View.extend({
        return "$" + value;


The data-thumbs-el attribute allows you to specify what your el should be when creating your views.

For example, suppose you have a view. If you use the backbone default, then your element will be wrapped in a div.

Note If you pass in an el to your view and you use data-thumbs-el, then that element will be replaced.

<li data-thumbs-el>
  <span data-thumbs-bind="value">



The data-thumbs-view attribute allows you to specify subviews that should be rendered.

To use the data-thumbs-view you must first expose a constructor on your view that can be used to create your view.

var MyView = thumbs.View.extend({
    MySubView : MySubView

And your DOM Element would look like the following:

    <div data-thumbs-view="MySubView"></div>


When creating a subview you may have options you wish to pass to the constructor of that subview. To do that, use data-thumbs-args.

data-thumbs-args takes a syntax very similar to a javascript object.

    <div data-thumbs-view="MySubView" data-thumbs-args="option1 : 'hello', option2 : true"></div>

To reference properties on the parent view you may just reference them as you normally would.

    <div data-thumbs-view="MySubView" data-thumbs-args="model:model"></div>

Note how model is referenced without the this keyword.


When using data-thumbs-id with a subview, the $ representation of the id will be a reference to the view instead of the wrapped DOM element.

    <input data-thumbs-id="firstName" data-thumbs-view="InputBox"></div>
var MyView = thumbs.View.extend({

    InputBox : InputBox,

    render : function(){
        this._super("render", arguments);
        //assume InputBox has a method val();
        return this;



When using data-thumbs-bind with a subview it will look for the following functions to set the value.

  • val : If your subview contains a val function, then the value will be passed to that function.
    <input data-thumbs-bind="firstName" data-thumbs-view="InputBox"></div>
var InputBox = thumbs.View.extend({
    val : function(val){
        this.value = val;
        return this;

var MyView = thumbs.View.extend({
    InputBox : InputBox
  • text : If your subview contains a text function, then the value will be passed to that function.
    <div data-thumbs-bind="firstName" data-thumbs-view="TextView"></div>
var TextView = thumbs.View.extend({
    text : function(val){
        return this;

var MyView = thumbs.View.extend({
    TextView : TextView

If you wish to specify a custom setter, you may specify it through the <functionName>:<boundValue> format

    <div data-thumbs-bind="textValue:firstName" data-thumbs-view="TextView"></div>
var TextView = thumbs.View.extend({
    textValue : function(val){
        return this;

var MyView = thumbs.View.extend({
    TextView : TextView


Thumbs provides a view that will parse a template and add it to the el of the view.

<script type="text/template" id="li-template">
    <li data-thumbs-el=true>
       <span data-thumbs-bind="label"></span>
var MyView = thumbs.TemplateView.extend({
    template : $("#li-template").text()

By default thumbs.TemplateView will use the _.template function. If you wish to use your own templater, such as handlebars, you can set it through thumbs.templater.

    return Handlebars.compile(tmpl);


This function allow you to look up a view by a DOM Node.

var view = thumbs.viewByNode(domNode);


This function allows you to look up a view by the thumbsId of a view.



The current version of thumbs.


By default thumbs splits attributes that accept multiple arguments by the following RegExp: / +/. You can change that functionality by setting this property.

//split multiple arguments by a '|' character
thumbs.MULTI_ARG_TOKEN = /\|/;
    <button data-thumbs-delegate="click:onClick|focus:onFocus"></button>


If you wish to change how key values in data attributes are split, you can set this property.

//split multiple arguments by a '~' character
thumbs.KEY_VALUE_TOKEN = '~';
    <button data-thumbs-delegate="click~onClick focus~onFocus"></button>



License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 96.7%Language:CSS 3.3%