C24IO / SageMaker-Migrations-Workshop


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SageMaker Migrations Workshop

Agenda for SageMaker Migrations Workshop

  • Training

    • Experiments management
    • SageMaker script mode
    • Model Hyperparameter Tuning
    • RESNET Notebook
    • Tensorflow Estimator Notebook
      • Distributed Training MXNet Pytorch
      • Bring your own container
  • Hosting

    • Deploy model as an endpoint
      • SageMaker trained model
      • Bring your own model
      • Perform predictions
      • Auto-Scaling MXNet
      • A/B testing MXNet
      • Multi-model endpoints
    • Deploy tensorflow model as TF Serving
    • MLOPs best practices overview
      • Deployment across regions using SageMaker
  • SageMaker with Kubernetes

    • SageMaker + Kubernetes Overview
    • SageMaker Operators for Kubernetes
    • KubeFlow pipelines with SageMaker Notebooks
  • Data Labeling

    • GroundTruth Lab - Images
    • GroundTruth Lab - Videos
  • Model Formats


