A rough test app designed to shadowboot a running Xbox 360 Devkit (17489 Kernel) into Xell (Can be adapted to support other types of shadowboot). Uses the latest version of Xell bundled with the JRunner app.
- App is a standalone and does not require any shadowboot roms to be placed beside it.
- Must be running Developer kernel version 17489 (21256.18). Does not support Testkits.
- Currently requires KdNet to be enabled to prevent an unknown hang/crash (Checks are in place).
- JTAG/RGH consoles must be running a Developer kernel with SB booloader signature patches.
- Visual Studio / GoobyCorp - https://github.com/GoobyCorp
- RGLoader - https://github.com/RGLoader
- Swizzy - https://github.com/Swizzy
- c0z
- Free60 Project / libxenon - https://github.com/Free60Project/
- Emma / InvoxiPlayGames - https://github.com/InvoxiPlayGames
- Josh / Octal450 - https://github.com/Octal450
- Members of the Xbox 360 Hub Discord server - Specifically the #coding-corner - https://xbox360hub.com/
- Creator of the original shadowboot rom (Name?)
- Anyone else I missed who has contributed to the wider 360 scene