Byndyusoft / Byndyusoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ModelBinding

AspNet Core Mvc ModelBindings

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Byndyusoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ModelBinding.FormStreamedData NugetDownloads

This package allows you to read Form Data values and files. Files streams are not read in binding model process and are provided to be used in user code.

How it works

Default ASP .NET Core behaviour reads all form contents including files during model binding process. File streams are fully drained to the end and their contents are saved in memory and/or disk before any user custom code.

This behaviour is not convenient when we want to treat files as streams. Possible cases:

  • You process file streams consequentially. For example, you want to calculate file hash only.
  • You want to read form string values first and validate its data before reading any files' content.

This package allows you to use default binding model except for files that will be available to user code later after model binding process.

There are some drawbacks:

  • If you read IFormStreamedFile object from FormStreamedFileCollection then previous files' streams will become empty either you have read them earlier or not. It is not obvious behaviour.
  • Swagger is not supported.
  • FormOptions settings are not supported yet.
  • RequestFormLimitsAttribute is not supported yet.

It is recommended to use standard behaviour if both conditions are met:

  1. You don't need streaming.
  2. You have enough resources to store incoming files' content of all simultaneous requests in memory and on disk.

In Benchmarking section you can see that new behaviour is faster in high performance stream processing use cases. It is strongly recommended to measure performance for your use case before using it in production environment.


The implementation is based on Microsoft suggestion with addition:

  • DisableFormValueModelBindingAttribute is presented as SetFormStreamedDataValueProviderAttribute which actually replaces value provider with new provider.
  • Model binding is enabled. It means that all standard and custom binding to your properties of specific types from string values is supported.
  • Model binding of property or parameter of type FormStreamedFileCollection is introduced. This type allows reading file contents consequentially by user code after model binding process.
  • You can read Form Data with ReadFormStreamedDataAsync extensions method of HttpRequest.

New behaviour usage requirements

  • Always provide form string values first.
  • Always provide form file values last.
  • Read file streams consequentially, that is at the beginning get first IFormStreamedFile object then read its stream to the end. Then get next IFormStreamedFile object and then read its stream to the end. When you get next IFormStreamedFile object the first file stream will be read automatically to the end and you will not be able to read it.
  • Use only one property or one parameter of type FormStreamedFileCollection because it will always be one stream.
  • Do not combine standard behaviour and this behaviour in one controller action. For example, do not use IFormFile and FormStreamedFileCollection in one action.


dotnet add package Byndyusoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ModelBinding.FormStreamedData


Register model binder for FormStreamedFileCollection type.

  services.AddControllers(o => o.AddFormStreamedFileCollectionBinder());

Set SetFormStreamedDataValueProviderAttribute for controller actions where file streams should be read. This will replace default value providers for Form Data with FormStreamedDataValueProvider.

Set FromFormStreamedDataAttribute for action parameters or request object properties that should be bound to form values. To read files' streams use only one property or one parameter of type FormStreamedFileCollection.


public class NewRequestDto
	public string Name { get; set; }
	public int Age { get; set; }
	public FormStreamedFileCollection StreamedFiles { get; set; }

public class FilesController : ControllerBase
	private readonly FileService _fileService;

	public FilesController(FileService fileService)
		_fileService = fileService;

	public async Task<ActionResult> SaveNewWay(
		[FromFormStreamedData] NewRequestDto requestDto,
		CancellationToken cancellationToken)
		await foreach (var file in requestDto.StreamedFiles.WithCancellation(cancellationToken))
			await using var stream = file.OpenReadStream();
			await _fileService.SaveFileAsync(stream, file.FileName, cancellationToken);

		return Ok();

	public async Task<ActionResult> SaveNewWayByParameter(
		FormStreamedFileCollection files,
		CancellationToken cancellationToken)
		await foreach (var file in files.WithCancellation(cancellationToken))
			await using var stream = file.OpenReadStream();
			var filePath = await _fileService.SaveFileAsync(stream, file.FileName, cancellationToken);

		return Ok();


Use cases and implementation

BenchmarkNet was used to measure new behaviour performance. 3 use cases were tested:

  1. File content hashing.
  2. Saving to disk.
  3. Uploading to localhost Minio S3 storage.

All three cases were implemented in TestApi project. Performance tests were implemented in (PerformanceTests)[tests/PerformanceTests] project.

There were used three values for TestFileSize parameter:

  1. Small - API receives 5 1Mb-sized generated files.
  2. Big - API receives 2 100Mb-sized generated files.
  3. Large - API receives 1 1Gb-sized generated files.

All these values can be changed in FileGeneratorSetting class.


File content hashing use case

Method TestFileSize Mean Error StdDev StdErr
HashOld Small 41.65 ms 0.822 ms 1.698 ms 0.236 ms
HashNew Small 15.39 ms 0.058 ms 0.045 ms 0.013 ms
HashOld Big 1,259.90 ms 24.976 ms 26.724 ms 6.299 ms
HashNew Big 485.09 ms 10.955 ms 30.899 ms 3.221 ms
HashOld Large 10,082.17 ms 176.127 ms 164.749 ms 42.538 ms
HashNew Large 2,469.44 ms 44.506 ms 110.007 ms 12.964 ms

Saving to disk use case

Method TestFileSize Mean Error StdDev StdErr
SaveOld Small 24.87 ms 0.493 ms 1.102 ms 0.142 ms
SaveNew Small 14.91 ms 0.107 ms 0.083 ms 0.024 ms
SaveOld Big 836.72 ms 39.259 ms 113.272 ms 11.561 ms
SaveNew Big 501.68 ms 11.450 ms 32.669 ms 3.370 ms
SaveOld Large 8,952.73 ms 178.932 ms 513.388 ms 52.673 ms
SaveNew Large 7,913.74 ms 139.790 ms 149.574 ms 35.255 ms

Uploading to localhost Minio S3 storage use case

Method TestFileSize Mean Error StdDev StdErr
UploadOld Small 184.0 ms 62.66 ms 41.45 ms 13.11 ms
UploadNew Small 446.3 ms 140.33 ms 92.82 ms 29.35 ms
UploadOld Big 5,068.9 ms 653.25 ms 432.08 ms 136.64 ms
UploadNew Big 51,659.3 ms 1,413.90 ms 935.21 ms 295.74 ms
UploadOld Large 26,848.8 ms 1,585.32 ms 1,048.59 ms 331.59 ms
UploadNew Large 259,196.0 ms 7,761.91 ms 5,134.02 ms 1,623.52 ms


  1. New behaviour is faster if file contents are being read rapidly. It can be observed in first two use cases.
  2. Standard (old) behaviour is faster if files streams are sent to S3. It is much faster to read all content before sending it to next service as another stream. BufferedStream can boost new behaviour speed but it will not be faster anyway.
  3. Use new behaviour only if you need to process files` content in high performance method or if you do not have enough resources to store incoming files' content of all simultaneous requests in memory and on disk.

Api site, performance test console application and Mino S3 server storage were launched on one machine. So these results may not reflect production environment performance. You are welcome to update them if performance is measured in production (or at least preproduction) environment.


To contribute, you will need to setup your local environment, see prerequisites. For the contribution and workflow guide, see package development lifecycle.


Make sure you have installed all of the following prerequisites on your development machine:

Package development lifecycle

  • Implement package logic in src
  • Add or adapt integration tests (prefer before and simultaneously with coding) in tests
  • Add or change the documentation as needed
  • Open pull request in the correct branch. Target the project's master branch



AspNet Core Mvc ModelBindings

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