BullyWiiPlaza / RPL-Studio

A graphical utility for packing and unpacking Wii U RPX/RPLs

Home Page:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQmfMmhRl10

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

What is this?

This Java-based utility allows you to unpack, edit and repack an RPL/RPX Wii U executable.

What is this useful for?

If you intend to modify an RPL/RPX for game modding purposes you firstly have to unpack it. You can then edit the assembly in a hex editor. Then you should repack it again before trying to load the modified RPL/RPX with for instance Loadiine GX2.

Where do I download the application?


Do I need to download anything else?

Other than having Java 8 installed, no.

How does it work?

wiiurpxtool is used for packing. For unpacking, you have the choice between wiiurpxtool and rpl2elf.

How does the application graphical interface look like?

alt tag


0CBH0 for wiiurpxtool
Hykem for rpl2elf
BullyWiiPlaza for RPL Studio