Brunoporto2702 / app-template

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This app is a template for for people that want to experiment with their own projects and learn throughout that process.

Audience: Who is this repository intended for?

Anyone that intends to learn by getting their hands dirty would havea great time playing around with the resources here provided. There is two groups of people that would benefit the most though:

  1. Early-stage developers who want to better understand the best practices of software development, maintainability, and collaboration used by the greatest companies out there.
  2. People who work/worked on great projects for the majority of their lifes, and want to get a more pratical understanding of how things ended up the way they are. It is not unusual that employees of enormous projects gets a little intimidated by the amount of tools and resources used by those companies. Hopefully, playing around with this project may help you grasp some valuable insights of why and/or how stuff gets done.

Who is the owner of this project?

This repository is created and maintained by the community, for the community. It does not intend to serve as a source of truth, official guideline or any anything related to that. It is instead a place for shared experimentation and collaboration that everyone who interacts with it either benefits itself or improves existing content. Ideally both!

How can I use this template?

  1. Navigate and explore: first thing you want to do is messing around and try to identify architecture concerns that guided the development. What is good and what isn't so much (please do point it out as an issue!)? You will certaily find both situations and that leads us to the next two steps of this brief interaction guideline. It is strongly recomended that you read the features and characteristics section before heading down to this part (add link to it afterwards).
  2. Clone the repository and play around with the funcionalities: there are plenty of functionalities and resources configured out of the box on this template that you can experiment with. Go ahead and follow the Technical use instructions (*add link) in order to get going!
  3. Refer to the issues (*link) list and try to make your first contribution to this community project: now that you are already acquainted with the peculiarities of the project, codebase, features, strong and week points of the project, try to get your hands dirty for the first time of your journey and fix something that thing that botters you the most on the project!
  4. Fork the repository and start to get your ideas out of the paper: at this point you already know the intricacies and details of the architecture and how to expand it sets of features even further, why not try to make your project that can grow as much as wish?
  5. Deploy your project using minimal resources: follow the deploy guideline (*link) and test your idea using almost no resources.
  6. Escalate your project and get rich and famous: now that you found the game changing business model, it is time to move forward to the advanced deployment option that uses kubernetes and make your application availble to an incredible amount of people with and incredible scalable and thorough infrestructure.
  7. Share your journey and your millionare company on the social media: use the hashtag #experimenting-early and tell everyone what you learned throughout the process and encourage others to become a better engineer/developer!

Uff... Hope you enjoy your journey!

Features and characteristics

  • Simple yet complete: the application is simple enough a single person can iterate and mantain it, but still contains all the indispensable features any large scale project needs. Making it the perfect choice for both early stage developers that want to learn and experienced developers that want to experiment with new ideas.

  • Isolated domain/core: the core of the application is isolated from the implementation details as much as possible. This means that the core of the application is not aware of the existence of the database, http server, etc. This is achieved by using the dependency inversion principle and dependency injection in order to make the core of the application agnostic of the implementation details. This is a very important characteristic of the application because it makes the core of the application very easy to test and mantain. It also makes it possible to change the implementation details without having to change the core of the application. This is very important because it makes the application more flexible and scalable.

  • Testability ease: given previous characteristic, the application is very easy to test. The core of the application is completely agnostic of the implementation details, which means that it is very easy to mock the implementation details and test the core of the application in isolation. This is very important because it makes the application more reliable and robust.

  • Observability: as any system grow, it becomes harder and harder to understand what is going on inside it. This is why it is so important to have a good observability system in place. This application comes with a very complete observability system that allows you to monitor the health of the application, the performance of the application, business metrics and the logs of the application. It is implemented using prometheus, grafana, loki and promtail. It is very easy to add new metrics and logs to the system.

  • Development workflow: in order to contribute to this repository, the person who do so will be imersed on a development workflow that is very similar to the one used by the greatest companies out there. This is very important because it makes the person who contribute to this repository more prepared to future work opportunities.

  • Async processing with persistence: It is known that distributed systems can provide a bunch of benefits, but all those benefits come with a series of added challenges and complexities, that only a companie with a certain scale can afford. This application comes with the simplest possible solution that adds the minimum amount of extra resources to mantaing whilst still providing the most important benefit of all: resilient flow decoupling. This means that you can trigger a subsequent flow with no dependency to the original flow, and still be able to track and reprocess the flow if something goes wrong. A simple example of why this is so relevant even to the smallest projects is the following: imagine that you have a flow that sends an email to the user after he/she signs up. If the email service is down, you can still track the flow and reprocess it once the service is back online. This is a very simple example, but it is easy to see how this can be applied to more complex flows. This application achieves this behabiour by simply compbining SQL persistence (unsing the main database of the application) and the original nest's CQRS library. This is not a production ideal setup, but still provides any early stage project with such important characteristic that otherwise would be very hard to achieve.

What is still to be done?

  • Example features (tested)

  • Example async feature (tested)

  • Reprocessing capability on the BusModule (tested)

  • Dashboard template (db, stability, message queue)

  • Automated deploy (single machine)

  • Automated deploy (kubernetes)

Architecture Concerns

The architecture of this application wsa strongly inspired in Hexagonal architecture, but slighly adapted to the context of the project. The resulting architecture schema can be found here. The main concern that drove the decision making of how to organize the application was to isolate the domain logic from implementation details as most as possible.

It was developed using Nest Framework which also influenced deeply on the decisions made during development.

Technical Use Instructions

Installing the dependencies

$ npm install

Running the app locally

Make sure you have docker installed on you machine.

you can make sure it is correctly installed by running:

$ docker -v

In order to run the application on development (local) enviroment, you need to have at least the database running. You can do it by running:

$ docker compose up db -d

If you wish to run all the peripheral services run:

$ docker compose up -d

Be aware that running all services may consume significant resources on your machine. It is advised not to do so unless you intend to use use/test all the services. Otherwise, if you only want to develop the api, you can run only the database service.

The services included in the docker-compose file are:

  • db: postgres database
  • grafana: grafana service for monitoring
  • prometheus: prometheus service for monitoring
  • promtail: collect logs and send to loki
  • loki: log aggregator

After the database is running, you can run the application by running:

# watch mode
$ npm run start:dev


# unit tests
$ npm run test


# generate migtation
$ npm run migration:generate --name=desired_name

# applying migrations
$ npm run migration:run


# inspect formating errors
$ npm run format

# fix formating
$ npm run format:fix


# inspect lint errors
$ npm run lint

# fix linting
$ npm run lint:fix

run database for development using docker

$ docker-compose up -d

Running on a docker container

# build docker image
$ docker build -t app .

# run docker container
docker run -p 3000:3000 -e DATABASE_URL=postgres://myuser:example@host.docker.internal:5432/app  app

How to deploy your own project?


NEVER expose private keys on your repository...



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