BrunoBonacci / reservoir

A fast implementation of Reservoir Sampling with Immutable Persistent data structures.

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A fast implementation of Reservoir Sampling with Immutable Persistent data structures.



In order to use the library add the dependency to your project.clj

;; Leiningen project
[com.brunobonacci/reservoir "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]

;; deps.edn format
{:deps { com.brunobonacci/reservoir {:mvn/version "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"}}}

Current version: Clojars Project

Then require the namespace:

  (:require [com.brunobonacci.reservoir :as rsv]))

Check the online documentation

;; create a reservoir
(def r (rsv/reservoir 3))

;; add some items, returns a new reservoir
(def r' (conj r :item1 :item2 :item3 :item4 :item4))

(frequencies r')
;; => {:item4 2, :item3 1}

;; to add many items you can use `into`
(def r2
  (->> (repeatedly #(rand-int 1000))
    (take 100000)
    (into (rsv/reservoir 1000))))

;; the distribution of the samples should mimic the normal
;; distribution (pseudo)
(->> (frequencies r2)
  (sort-by second >)
  (take 10))
;; => ([481 6]
;;     [186 5]
;;     [647 5]
;;     [194 5]
;;     [362 5]
;;     [887 4]
;;     [592 4]
;;     [694 4]
;;     [21 4]
;;     [708 4])

;; to see how many items passed by the reservoir
(rsv/total-items r2)
;; => 100000

;; to get the samples
(rsv/samples r2)
;; => [205 831 423 830 238  ...]

;; reservoir and just normal clojure sequences
(seq r2)
;; => (205 831 423 830 238  ...)

(def r3 (into (rsv/reservoir 100) (range 30)))

;; this is the total capacity of the reservoir
(rsv/capacity r3)
;; => 100

;; here the current number of items in the reservoir
;; it will be always between 0 and `capacity`
(count r3)
;; => 30

;; this is the total number of items which passed
;; into the reservoir. let's add more elements
(rsv/total-items (into r3 (range 120)))
;; => 150

;; you can merge two or more reservoir as following
;; the resulting reservoir will have the characteristics
;; of the first reservoir with all the sample combined
;; based on their probability to be in the final sample.
  (into (rsv/reservoir 5) (range 20))
  (into (rsv/reservoir 3) (range 10))
  (into (rsv/reservoir 4 :algorithm :algorithm-R) (range 20)))
;; => #com.brunobonacci/reservoir [:algorithm-L 5 50 [0 5 8 17 10]]


There are two implementation of the reservoir sampling. The Simple algorithm (also known as Algorithm-R which has a time complexity of O(n) and an optimal version called Algorithm-L which is O(k(1+log(n/k))). The default implementation is Algorithm-L

  ;; :simple :algorithm-R
    (into (reservoir 10000 :algorithm :simple) (range 1000000))

  ;; Time per million of items
  ;; --------------------------------
  ;; Execution time mean : 48.510345 ms
  ;; Execution time std-deviation : 1.994757 ms
  ;; Execution time lower quantile : 46.083439 ms ( 2.5%)
  ;; Execution time upper quantile : 51.081795 ms (97.5%)
  ;; Overhead used : 2.309092 ns

  ;; :algorithm-L  (default)
    (into (reservoir 10000 :algorithm :algorithm-L) (range 1000000)))

  ;; Time per million of items
  ;; --------------------------------
  ;; Execution time mean : 30.131117 ms
  ;; Execution time std-deviation : 1.487733 ms
  ;; Execution time lower quantile : 28.247301 ms ( 2.5%)
  ;; Execution time upper quantile : 31.998845 ms (97.5%)
  ;; Overhead used : 8.211514 ns

This reservoir implementation is up to two orders or magnitude faster (~50x) than the excellent BigML/sampling implementation.

  (require '[bigml.sampling.reservoir :as reservoir])

    (into (reservoir/create  10000 :implementation :efraimdis) (range 1000000)))

  ;; Execution time mean : 1439.723 ms
  ;; Execution time std-deviation : 56.219255 ms
  ;; Execution time lower quantile : 1.384248 sec ( 2.5%)
  ;; Execution time upper quantile : 1.513384 sec (97.5%)
  ;; Overhead used : 1.827186 ns

    (into (reservoir/create  10000 :implementation :insertion) (range 1000000)))

  ;; Execution time mean : 462.243933 ms
  ;; Execution time std-deviation : 8.206758 ms
  ;; Execution time lower quantile : 447.970058 ms ( 2.5%)
  ;; Execution time upper quantile : 469.125423 ms (97.5%)
  ;; Overhead used : 1.827186 ns


Copyright © 2020 Bruno Bonacci - Distributed under the Apache License v2.0


A fast implementation of Reservoir Sampling with Immutable Persistent data structures.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Clojure 100.0%