BritishGeologicalSurvey / tactool

TACtool is a desktop GUI tool for targeting and co-ordinating sampling points for microanalysis, using spatially resolved imagery, enabling their import directly into sampling systems such as a laser ablation system. The use of this tool dramatically improves analytical traceability and workflow efficiency in the lab.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A graphical tool for selecting points for analysis on an SEM image


You can download the TACtool application here:

Instructions for using the application can be found here.

Original Contributors

TACTool was initially developed within the British Geological Survey by:

  • Connor Newstead
  • Dan Sutton
  • Declan Valters
  • Leo Rudczenko
  • John A Stevenson

The original idea was by Connor Newstead and Matt Horstwood.



Check out the repository and install dependencies using Anaconda.


conda env create -f environments/windows-environment.yml
conda activate tactool-windows


conda env create -f environments/macos-environment.yml
conda activate tactool-macos

Note: Both environments have been generated using environments/unversioned-environment.yml.

Running the Program

To run the program, first you need to setup your Python path.





Then you can run the program with:

python tactool/ --dev

The --dev flag starts the application in developer mode, with a test image pre-loaded into the GraphicsView.

Class Relationship Diagram

        direction LR

        class TACtool{
            Manages preloaded modes of the application
            +testing_mode: bool
            +window: Window
            +graphics_view: GraphicsView
            +graphics_scene: GraphicsScene
            +table_model: TableModel
            +table_view: TableView
            +set_scale_dialog: Optional[SetScaleDialog]
            +recoordinate_dialog: Optional[RecoordinateDialog]


        class Window {
            Main User Interface with data flow
            +testing_mode: bool
            +default_settings: dict[str, Any]
            +image_filepath: Optional[str]
            +csv_filepath: Optional[str]
            +point_colour: str
            +graphics_view: GraphicsView
            +graphics_scene: GraphicsScene
            +table_model: TableModel
            +table_view: TableView
            +set_scale_dialog: Optional[SetScaleDialog]
            +recoordinate_dialog: Optional[RecoordinateDialog]
            +menu_bar: QMenuBar
            +menu_bar_file: QMenu
            +import_image_button: QAction
            +export_image_button: QAction
            +import_tactool_csv_button: QAction
            +export_tactool_csv_button: QAction
            +recoordinate_sem_csv_button: QAction
            +menu_bar_tools: QMenu
            +ghost_point_button: QAction
            +status_bar: QStatusBar
            +sample_name_input: QLineEdit
            +mount_name_input: QLineEdit
            +material_input: QLineEdit
            +label_input: QComboBox
            +colour_button: QPushButton
            +diameter_input: QSpinBox
            +scale_value_input: QLineEdit
            +set_scale_button: QPushButton
            +clear_points_button: QPushButton
            +reset_ids_button: QPushButton
            +reset_settings_button: QPushButton
            +status_bar_messages: dict[str, dict[str, Any]]
            +main_input_widgets: list[QWidget]
            +dialogs: list[QDialog]

            +add_analysis_point(x, y, apid, label, diameter, scale, colour, sample_name, mount_name, material, notes, use_windows_inputs, ghost)
            +add_ghost_point(x, y)
            +remove_analysis_point(x, y, apid)
            +reload_analysis_points(index, transform)
            +get_point_settings(analysis_point, clicked_column_index)
            +update_point_settings(label, diameter, scale, colour, sample_name, mount_name, material)

        class TableView{
            Manage the display of TableModel data
            +signal: selected_analysis_point(analysis_point, column)

        class TableModel{
            Manage AnalysisPoint data
            +headers: list[str]
            +_data: list[list[Any]]
            +editable_columns: list[int]
            +public_headers: list[str]
            +analysis_points: list[AnalysisPoint]
            +reference_points: list[AnalysisPoint]
            +next_point_id: int

            +headerData(section, orientation, role)
            +data(index, role)
            +setData(index, value, role)
            signal: updated_analysis_point(index)

        class AnalysisPoint{
            Create AnalysisPoint data
            +id: int
            +label: str
            +x: int
            +y: int
            +diameter: int
            +scale: float
            +colour: str
            +sample_name: str
            +mount_name: str
            +material: str
            +notes: str
            +_outer_ellipse: QGraphicsEllipseItem
            +_inner_ellipse: QGraphicsEllipseItem
            +_label_text_item: QGraphicsTextItem


        class GraphicsView{
            Manage user interaction and visual display of GraphicsScene
            +_zoom: int
            +_empty: bool
            +_image: QGraphicsPixmapItem
            +disable_analysis_points: bool
            +navigation_mode: bool
            +scaling_mode: bool
            +scale_start_point: QPointF
            +scale_end_point: QPointF
            +graphics_scene: GraphicsScene

            +signal: left_click(x, y)
            +signal: right_click(x, y)
            +signal: scale_move_event(pixel_distance)
            +signal: move_ghost_point(x, y)

        class GraphicsScene{
            Manage items painted on image
            +scaling_group: QGraphicsItemGroup
            +scaling_line: QGraphicsLineItem
            +transparent_window: QGraphicsRectItem

            +add_analysis_point(x, y, apid, label, diameter, colour, scale, ghost)
            +move_analysis_point(ap, x_change, y_change)
            +get_ellipse_at(x, y)
            +draw_scale_line(start_point, end_point)
            +draw_scale_point(x, y)

        class SetScaleDialog{
            Allows the user to interactively calculate a scale
            +testing_mode: bool
            +pixel_input_default: str
            +set_scale_button: QPushButton
            +clear_scale_button: QPushButton
            +cancel_button: QPushButton
            +distance_input: QSpinBox
            +pixel_input: QLineEdit
            +scale_value: QLineEdit

            signal: clear_scale_clicked()
            signal: set_scale_clicked(scale)
            signal: closed_set_scale_dialog()

        class RecoordinateDialog{
            Allows the user to recoordinate an SEM CSV file
            +testing_mode: bool
            +ref_points: list[AnalysisPoint]
            +image_size: QSize
            +recoordinated_point_dicts: list[dict[str, str | int | float]]
            +input_csv_button: QPushButton
            +input_csv_filepath_label: QLineEdit
            +recoordinate_button: QPushButton
            +cancel_button: QPushButton

            signal: closed_recoordinate_dialog()

        TACtool *-- Window
        Window *-- GraphicsView
        Window *-- TableView
        Window *-- SetScaleDialog
        Window *-- RecoordinateDialog
        TableView *-- TableModel
        TableModel *-- AnalysisPoint
        GraphicsView *-- GraphicsScene

        Window <.. TableView : selected_analysis_point(analysis_point, column)
        Window <.. TableModel : updated_analysis_point(index)
        Window <.. GraphicsView : left_click(x, y)
        Window <.. GraphicsView : right_click(x, y)
        Window <.. GraphicsView : scale_move_event(pixel_distance)
        Window <.. GraphicsView : move_ghost_point(x, y)
        Window <.. SetScaleDialog : clear_scale_clicked()
        Window <.. SetScaleDialog : set_scale_clicked(scale)
        Window <.. SetScaleDialog : closed_set_scale_dialog()
        Window <.. RecoordinateDialog : closed_recoordinate_dialog()


Ensure you have setup your Python path. Then you can run the tests with:

pytest -vv test/

Create a standalone executable using PyInstaller

pyinstaller --name="TACtool" --windowed --paths=. --onefile tactool/

Run the above code and a .spec file and dist/ build/ directories will be created.


TACtool is distributed under the GPL v3.0 licence.

Copyright: © BGS / UKRI 2023


TACtool is a desktop GUI tool for targeting and co-ordinating sampling points for microanalysis, using spatially resolved imagery, enabling their import directly into sampling systems such as a laser ablation system. The use of this tool dramatically improves analytical traceability and workflow efficiency in the lab.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%