BringFeel / r-placer

bot for 2022 r/place

Repository from Github https://github.comBringFeel/r-placerRepository from Github https://github.comBringFeel/r-placer


bot for 2022 2023 r/place

unarchived if anybody wants to help work on this. i am not sure if it works. my main developer account was banned, so you must provide your own API key.

place has ended. thanks to everyone who participated and to those who used my bot!



(maybe) working r/place bot that takes an input image, location, and account login to draw to the r/place canvas. relatively neat compared to this one as coding style is more OOP. though, could still need some touching up.

supports multiple accounts. automatically determines which canvas to add to. just use coordinates.




pip install -r requirements.txt


create a new file called accounts.csv which contains the data for the accounts you want to use. each row should formatted like email username password, where spaces are delimiters. email is optional, so you can put filler information there if needed.

adjust configuration in config.json. i have included the information for my apps and the developer account for it. feel free to use it as well or change it to your own apps. the apps are necessary for the accounts to receive their access token. more apps = more accounts. you must also adjust the main-dev-account to the information of the account you used to create the app.


included is a torrc file that is required. you must also have the tor binary installed on your machine. on linux and mac, you can use homebrew: brew install tor. once installed, go to /usr/local/etc/tor/ and put the torrc file in there. making a sym-link is also valid. finally, run brew services start tor. windows installation is more complicated and i don't have a windows machine to try it out.


run python <image path> <x-coord> <y-coord>, where the image path is the image you want to draw, and x-coord/y-coord represent the location you want the image to be drawn.

account maker

simple selenium script that automatically creates a reddit account. 90% can solve the captcha, though some human intervention might be needed occasionally. sends account data to a specified google sheet using gspread. makes one account at a time as reddit limits you to 1 account per ip every 10 minutes. to make more, use a vpn for every iteration. my focus wasn't on the account maker that much, so it isn't as refined. if you want to adjust anything, look into the and files. for anybody else, refer to the gspread page to see how to setup gspread. there is a paramter in the config that identifies the email for the accounts.


make sure to verify all the emails for all your accounts and interact with it a little. for me, i join a random subreddit, which has really made the accounts immune so far. that seems to be primary factor in getting accounts banned. though, still not guaranteed it doesn't get banned.


bot for 2022 r/place

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%