BrickSortingMachine / BrickSortingMachine-sorter

BrickSortingMachine - A LEGO® sorting machine software stack

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comBrickSortingMachine/BrickSortingMachine-sorterRepository from Github https://github.comBrickSortingMachine/BrickSortingMachine-sorter

Brick Sorting Machine

A machine to automatically sort your LEGO® collection

This project is heavily inspired by numerous preceding LEGO® sorting machines, I'd like to give credit in this post. For background information visit our blog or YouTube channel.

GitHub Workflow Status GitHub release GitHub Imports: isort Code style: black

Getting Started

If you want to build a LEGO® sorting machine yourself, I suggest to start with the DIY build instructions. This repository maintains the sources to operate the LEGO® sorting machine. If you want to work on the machine learning components, the training scripts for the part classifier are maintained here.


With prerequisites Python 3.11 and Conda installed, setup conda environment:

./     # Linux
update_environment_win.bat  # Windows

Adapt local config (currently no adaptions needed):

cp config.json.example config.json


Machine controller (on raspberry pi, connected to motor drivers):

python controller [--disable_machine]

Vision service (on alternative PC):

python vision --host=RASPBERRY_PI_IP_ADDRESS --collect_class=None

Classification service (on alternative PC):

python classification --host=RASPBERRY_PI_IP_ADDRESS --model=models/CLASSIFIER_MODEL.h5

Notification service (on alternative PC):

python notification --host=RASPBERRY_PI_IP_ADDRESS


Install git pre-commit hooks for flake8, black and isort usage:

pre-commit install

Run unit tests:

python -m unittest discover -s test -p "test_*.py"

Run static type checking via mypy (type hints are still pretty sparse in the code so mypy support is currently limited):

python -m mypy


BrickSortingMachine - A LEGO® sorting machine software stack

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 49.3%Language:C++ 35.8%Language:C 14.4%Language:HTML 0.4%Language:Batchfile 0.0%Language:Shell 0.0%