BrianSChapman / ska-band-database

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Utilizing new tools as we transition to backend development, I was tasked with creating an employee tracker using Mysql and Node (with Inquirer). Building out a Command Line question prompt to give a non-developer the ability to comfortably and confidently navigate through departments, employees, roles within the company, and the the ability to modify several parameters on the directory.


This application requires the npm install of Inquirer to successfully navigating the question prompt. That's it. You can run this in your command line interface of your choice.


Upon opening that command line and installing the inquirer package via npm, type in npm run start and you'll prompted with a list of questions to answer. Based upon what you ask or what information you provide, you will receive information via Mysql tables.

Code Snippets and Command Line



Language:JavaScript 100.0%