BrianHung / reflect-todo

React-only todo sample for Reflect


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a demo of Reflect: an upcoming Replicache-as-a-service product we are building.

The idea of Reflect is that you can get all the benefits of Replicache without having to build your own backend. Think of it like Firebase, but with multiplayer and offline support that works 😂.

Currently the way you run this demo is "on-prem": you get yourself a Cloudflare account and upload the backend (which is inside this repo) to your Cloudflare account.

You don't have to know much/anything about how the backend works. It's a black box. And in the future, you won't have to run a backend at all, we will do that as a service that you manage via a CLI. Running it yourself just a temporary thing.

See also, a fancier drawing demo.


Running live at

Hacking Locally

The dev-worker command runs the worker using wrangler.

npm install

# (only need to do once per-project)
# generate a shared secret enabling Reflect Server to authenticate
# administrative calls, e.g. to create a new room. Configure
# Reflect Server with the key via wranlger:
npx wrangler secret put REFLECT_AUTH_API_KEY

# start the backend
# data will be stored in memory, so when the server restarts, data is gone
npm run dev-worker

# (in a separate shell)
# start the frontend

# must be done each time you restart your server
# pick a new, random roomID
export VITE_ROOM_ID=$(head -c 10 /dev/random | md5 | head -c 6)

# create the new room
curl -X POST '' \
  -H 'x-reflect-auth-api-key: <Auth API key chosen above>' \
  -H 'Content-type: application/json' \
  -d "{ \"roomID\": \"$VITE_ROOM_ID\" }"

VITE_WORKER_URL=ws:// npm run dev

If you would prefer not to re-create a room each time you run dev-worker you can pass it --local --persist and it will run the worker on your computer and save the data locally.

Publishing Worker to Cloudflare

First, get an account at Cloudflare:


# generate a shared secret enabling Reflect Server to authenticate
# administrative calls, e.g. to create a new room. Configure
# Reflect Server with the key via wranlger:
npx wrangler secret put REFLECT_AUTH_API_KEY

# publish to Cloudflare
npx wrangler publish

# pick a new, random roomID, eg:
VITE_ROOM_ID=$(head -c 10 /dev/random | md5 | head -c 6)

# create the new room
curl -X POST 'http://<host from publish command>/createRoom' \
  -H 'x-reflect-auth-api-key: <Auth API key chosen above>' \
  -H 'Content-type: application/json' \
  -d "{ \"roomID\": \"$VITE_ROOM_ID\" }"

# run frontend
VITE_ROOM_ID=<value from above> \
  VITE_WORKER_URL=wss://<host from publish command> \
  npm run dev

Offline Support

Currently offline support is degraded for Reflect. Here is what works:

  • You can go offline and make changes. If you keep the tab open, when you come back, changes will sync correctly.
  • If you make changes while offline and close the tab, those changes are lost forever 😢.
  • While offline, if you have two tabs open, you won't see changes propagate between them.

We are working on this and expect it to be fixed very soon (like this year or early next year at latest).

Authentication and Authorization

Reflect can optionally authenticate users who connect to rooms with your server and authorize their access to the room.

  1. Pass some authToken to the Reflect constructor's auth parameter.
  2. Provide createReflectServer with an authHandler function that authenticates the user and returns whether the user should be allowed in the room.

The signature for the auth handler is as follows:

 * An `AuthHandler` should validate that the user authenticated by `auth` is
 * authorized to access the room with `roomID`.
 * @return A promise which resolves to `UserData` for the user if authentication
 * and authorization is successful, or rejects if authentication or
 * authorization fail.
export type AuthHandler = (auth: string, roomID: string) => Promise<UserData>;

 * `UserData` must include a `userID` which is unique stable identifier
 * for the user.
 * `UserData` has a size limit of 6 KB.
 * Currently only `userID` is used, but in the future `UserData` may
 * be passed through to mutators which could use it to supplement
 * mutator args and to validate the mutation.
export type UserData = ReadonlyJSONObject & { userID: string };

Auth Revalidation

You can invalidate specific users or rooms using the Server Auth API.

Server API

The server's Room Management and Auth API are documented in Server API doc.


How to persist logs from the worker

The BaseServer class accepts a logger argument. You can implement this yourself to send the logs wherever you want. reflect-server exports ConsoleLogSink and DatadogLogSink implementations of this interface in the package as a convenience. The default implementation is just ConsoleLogSink alone.

How to list the rooms for your Reps server

Cloudflare doesn't have a UI for this, but there's an API.

First, go to and click "Create Token" then choose the "Read All Resources" template. Click through and then copy the resulting token.

# Get the account id
curl -X GET "" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer :token" \
     -H "Content-Type:application/json"

# Get namespace for account
curl -X GET "" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer :token" \
     -H "Content-Type:application/json"

# Get object instances
curl -X GET "" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer :token" \
     -H "Content-Type:application/json"

How to run different code for mutation on server

You can create in mutators.ts a global that indicates which environment the file is running in, and then set that variable from worker/index.ts. Commit bf7cb374b9e82b311659fcab704b65a66e0739a1 shows an example.

How to know when a mutator has run on the server

Using above, you can store state in the client view that tracks whether a given mutator has run on client-side or server. Commit e488892dd69b828b1b9ab253f06a42628d25831d shows an example of this.

How to migrate to v0.19.x

Action is required to upgrade to Reflect Server version 0.19.x from an earlier version. See the Migration Guide.


React-only todo sample for Reflect



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