BrendanThompson / terraform-azurerm-virtual-machine

Repository from Github https://github.comBrendanThompson/terraform-azurerm-virtual-machineRepository from Github https://github.comBrendanThompson/terraform-azurerm-virtual-machine


Name Version
azurerm ~> 3.77


Name Version
azurerm 3.77.0


No modules.


Name Type
azurerm_linux_virtual_machine.this resource
azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set.this resource
azurerm_managed_disk.this resource
azurerm_network_interface.this resource
azurerm_virtual_machine_data_disk_attachment.this resource
azurerm_windows_virtual_machine.this resource
azurerm_resource_group.this data source
azurerm_subnet.this data source
azurerm_virtual_network.this data source


Name Description Type Default Required
data_disks (Optional) Map of data disks with the map key identifying the LUN

- storage_account_type (Optional): Storage account type [Default: Standard_LRS]
- creation_option (Optional): If the disk should be created empty [Default: Empty]
- size (Optional): Size of disk in GB [Default: 10]
- caching (Optional): Caching option [Default: ReadWrite]
storage_account_type = optional(string, "Standard_LRS")
creation_option = optional(string, "Empty")
size = optional(number, 10)
caching = optional(string, "ReadWrite")
{} no
environment (Required) Environment that the virtual machine(s) will be provisioned into.

[Default: development]
string "development" no
network (Required) Networking details for where the virtual machine(s) will be provisioned into.

- name (Required): Name of the Virtual Network
- subnet_name (Required): Name of the Subnet
- resource_group_name (Optional): Name of the Resource Group the Virtual Network resides in, if not provided the Resource Group passed into the module will be used.
name = string
subnet_name = string
resource_group_name = optional(string, "")
n/a yes
resource_group (Required) Resource Group details for the virtual machine(s).

- name (Required): Name of the Resource Group
- location (Required): Azure region the Resource Group exists in
name = string
location = string
n/a yes
suffix (Optional) Suffix to append at the end of resources, should be unique within a TLA.

[Default: null]
string null no
tla (Required) A three letter acronym identifying the resources project. any n/a yes
virtual_machine (Required) Details for Virtual Machine creation.

- type (Required): If the machine should be Linux or Windows.
- scale_set (Optional): If VM will be in a VMSS or not [Default: false]
- size (Optional): Size of VM [Default: Standard_F2]
- image (Optional): Image name for the virtual machine [Default: ubuntu]
- instances (Optional): Number of Virtual Machine Scale Set instances
- admin_credentials (Required): Credentials to use for the local administrative user
- username (Optional): Username for the admin user [Default: localadmin]
- password (Required): Password for the user account, conflicts with ssh_key_path
- ssh_key_path (Required): Local file path to the SSH Key, conflucts with password
type = string
scale_set = optional(bool, false)
size = optional(string, "Standard_F2")
instances = optional(number)
admin_credentials = object({
username = optional(string, "localadmin")
password = optional(string)
ssh_key_path = optional(string)
image = optional(string, "ubuntu")
n/a yes


No outputs.



Language:HCL 96.9%Language:Makefile 3.1%