BraveDrXuTF / VOL

Variational operator learning: A unified paradigm marrying training neural operators and solving partial differential equations

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Variational operator learning: A unified paradigm marrying training neural operators and solving partial differential equations

This repository contains the code for the paper:

🔥 The bitmaps in results with improved quailty have just been updated in the latest preprint of our paper. You can also check the paper in our repository.


  • Backpropagation-free residual: Different from physics-informed approaches, VOL does not need to conduct any additional backpropagation operation to calculate residual.
  • Matrix-free manner (linear time complexity for residual calculation & $O(1)$ space complexity): VOL also does not need to calculate or assemble stiffness matrix like what we do in traditional FEMs pipeline.
  • For all experiments, VOL uses a label-free training set and follows a power scaling law.
  • Strictly satisfied Dirichlet boundary condition.
  • VOL can be applied to any field-type neural operator in principle.



Guide to Reproduce the experiment

If you want to reproduce experiments in the paper, please follow the steps below:

  • Comment out the code block under if __name__ == '__main__': of the corresponding scripts.
  • Paste specific settings of experiments you want to reproduce. Note you need to specify all file paths again in the code, because these file paths in my code may not exist on your computers.
  • You need to make sure trainid variable matches the physics you want to simulate according to DatasetL1 class; you need to make sure Resolution variable matches the resolution of the data you want to simulate; you need to make sure the trial kernel and the test kernel used in the experiment match the resolution and the physics.
  • Run the script.

Settings of scaling experiments

Heat transfer with variable heat source

trainnum_list = [100,200,500,1000,2000,5000,10000]
num_step_list = [2,]
withshift_list = [True,]
num_cycles_list = [0.5,]
num_epoches_list = [50,]
bs_list = [16,] 

current_exnum = 0 # 之前已经完成了0个实验
for i in range(20230821,20230821+5):
    for tn in trainnum_list:
        for num_step in num_step_list:
            for lr in lr_list:
                for sft in withshift_list:
                    for num_cycles in num_cycles_list:
                        for bs in bs_list:
                            for num_epoches in num_epoches_list:
                                if experiments_doing_num<=current_exnum:
                                    print('experiment doing num: {}'.format(experiments_doing_num))
                                    batch_size = bs
                                    num_training_steps = int(math.ceil(trainnum/batch_size)*num_epoches)
                                    # num_cycles=0.3
                                    configlist = [
                                        "momentum": 0,
                                        "lr": learningrate,
                                        "optimizer": "adamw",
                                        "scheduler": 'cosine_with_warm',
                                        "scheduler_config": {"warm_steps":num_training_steps//10,
                                        "num_training_steps": num_training_steps,
                                        "batch_size": bs,
                                        "traindata": trainnum,
                                        "testdata": testnum,
                                        "trainseed": i,
                                        "test_function": True,
                                        "weight_decay": weight_decay,
                                        # "val_mode": True,
                                        "shift": sft,
                                        "num_step": num_step,
                                        "experiment_name": "ParaQPARALLELS_withgrid/bs{0}train{1}test{2}seed{3}lr{4}ep{5}warm5percentdecay{6}cycle{7}datadype{8}_numstep{9}_shift{10}_withgrid".format(bs,trainnum,testnum,i,learningrate,num_epoches,weight_decay,num_cycles,datatype,num_step,sft),
                                    print('Starting: ')

My goal

In the long term, I want to design parallel, real-time, low-carbon, reliable, data-efficient neural solvers for the next generation simulation and CAE software.


      title={Variational operator learning: A unified paradigm marrying training neural operators and solving partial differential equations}, 
      author={Tengfei Xu and Dachuan Liu and Peng Hao and Bo Wang},


The implementation of VOL benefited greatly from remarkable projects from the community. We would like to sincerely thank FNO, F-FNO, and PyTorch for their awesome open source.


Variational operator learning: A unified paradigm marrying training neural operators and solving partial differential equations
