Brandon-Lyons / preseason

CentreSource Rails 3+ application templates

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A Centresource Interactive Agency open internal project for generating new Rails applications.


We start new Ruby on Rails projects frequently. In doing so, we end up repeating many of the same steps. As Rubyists, we are always looking for ways to DRY things up. This project is intended to serve as a starting place for new Rails applications. Perhaps most importantly, it is NOT supposed to cover everything that every Rails app will ever need, but to be a good starting place.


N.B. This project assumes you have a development environment setup that is capable of installing Rails projects. If not, start with the Rails Guides. It also assumes that you are using SSH if you plan to make your project a Github repo.

  1. Clone the Preseason repo to the directory where your new app will begin: git clone

  2. Make sure your db is running (postgres/mysql/etc)

  3. Install a new Rails applicaiton with the following flag as shown: rails new [YourAppName] -m preseason/common.rb

  4. Follow the prompts to choose your database, etc.

  5. Make a mistake? Just rm -rf your application's directory and repeat steps 1-3.

  6. cd into your application directory

  7. Make magic happen and dreams come true.

####Note About ERB Templates When adding a 'template' and you want the included erb to be parsed at runtime and not when this script runs, you must begin your erb tag with <&& instead of <%. See templates/flash/app/views/shared/_flash.html.erb for an example.


Preseason does the following:

  • asks for your db of preference
  • asks for your preferences on a few gems
  • creates an RVM gemset for your project and switches to that gemset
  • creates a new config/database.yml file with info from your db of choice
  • adds the database.yml to .gitignore and creates a database.yml.dist as a placeholder
  • adds .rvmrc, swp files, public/assets, s3 files, etc to .gitignore
  • cleans up the Gemfile (removes comments and empty lines)
  • enables lograge for production
  • installs gems via bundler
  • creates a database
  • cleans up routes.rb
  • sets up flash messages in the application layout
  • sets config.assets.initialize_on_precompile to false
  • sets config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/lib)
  • sets up a template for using whenever for cronjobs
  • installs rspec
  • installs and sets up bourbon and neat
  • creates a template for your whiskey_disk deploy in config/deploy.yml
  • creates Procfile for foreman
  • starts guard
  • creates a new spec_helper with spork and simplecov
  • removes the test unit directory, the smoke test page, and the Rails logo.
  • migrates the db and recreates the test db from the DEV's schema
  • initializes a git repository, makes an "initial commit", and checks out a 'develop' branch
  • setup Heroku

Preseason offers use of the following technologies:

  • Either postgresql, mysql2, or sqlite3
  • Factory Girl or Object Daddy (for our friend, Jeremy)
  • Authlogic
  • Activeadmin or plain Devise
  • RVM
  • whiskey_disk (for embarasssingly fast deployments)
  • lograge
  • whenever (:require => false)
  • foreman
  • guard
  • spork
  • rb-fsevent (:require => false)
  • growl
  • better_errors
  • binding_of_collar
  • pry
  • awesome_print
  • quiet_assets
  • heroku
  • rspec
  • database_cleaner
  • shoulda-matchers
  • capybara-webkit
  • launchy
  • fuubar
  • simplecov
  • bourbon
  • neat
  • heroku


Preseason is a project by the development team at the Centresource Interactive Agency in Nashville, TN. The main push for this project is from Cade Truitt, Travis Roberts, Jeremy Holland, Adam Scott and Max Beizer. All rights reserved.


  • integration spec setup?
  • password reset/recover in controller for Authlogic
  • Authlogic user factory
  • add chosen.js for active admin (possibly for everything?)
  • add active admin precompile asset list to production.rb


  1. fork the repo

  2. exhibit your brilliance

  3. push to your fork

  4. submit a pull request


  • If you don't have QT libraries installed, you may get this error when installing Capybara
    • Command 'qmake -spec macx-g++' not available


CentreSource Rails 3+ application templates