Brackets / muledump

all your mules are belong to you

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This tool allows you to list contents of all your accounts in a single page (characters, their stats and items, items in vaults). Also it generates a summary of all the items - you probably saw screenshots of these in trading forum (example).

The point of playing the game is to have fun. Muling is not fun. I am trying to increase overall fun ratio by decreasing amount of time spent fussing with mules and storagekeeping.


All released versions are here.


  • unpack
  • edit accounts_sample.js
  • rename it to accounts.js
  • open muledump.html

Not so obvious features

  • click on item to filter accounts that hold it
  • click on account name for individual options menu
  • ctrl-click account name to temporarily hide it from totals
  • read the accounts.js file, it has some variables to play with

Troubleshooting & Frequently Asked Questions

It redirected me to this video! What did I do wrong?

There are four common pitfalls:

  • you didnt edit your accounts.js file. I mean, come on.
  • you didnt delete/replace both example accounts from said file.
  • you broke syntax when you were editing your accounts.js. Use an editor with syntax hilighting and common sense.
  • you failed to rename it properly because of your file manager. In Windows, try to enable file name extensions.

It doesnt work in my Internet Explorer!

A modern browser is required for muledump to work. Use latest Firefox, Chrome or Opera.

Q: How do I use it with a Kongregate account?

  • follow this to step 8
  • from step 8, take user_id and game_auth_token values
  • go here
  • in address bar, replace fields written in CAPS with your user id and auth token
  • take GUID and Secret from result - use them as email and password

Q: How do I use it with a Steam account?

Make a web account.

I want to say something! And there is no thread! Wat do?

Feel free to send me a private message on the forums. Maybe later there will be more options.

I want to contribute!

Great! Fork the repo, make your changes, send pull request. Alternatively, you can just send me a diff or something.


There are BMJ's skins for those who dont like the default look.

Optional feature: one click login

Windows only! Apparently doesnt work on Chrome at the moment!

FizzeBu wrote a great AutoIt script, which allows this magic to be real.

How to enable:

  • install AutoIt
  • change mulelogin in accounts.js to 1
  • run lib/mulelogin.au3 once
  • refresh, click arrows next to reload buttons
  • never share your muledump: links!

How to remove:

If you are too sceptical/afraid to even try, just remove mulelogin.au3. No harm done.

If already installed:

  • change mulelogin to 0
  • run lib/mulelogin.au3, select "uninstall".

Optional feature: display prices from Kazansky's price guide

Since there are no accurate price guides at the moment, this feature is pretty much useless.

aiedail92 implemented scraping of Kaz's thread.

How to enable: change prices in accounts.js to 1



  • added ability to hide equipped items
  • extended stats with roll checks and distances from max
  • added options on the right since there are too many of them now
  • added tiers in tooltips
  • fixed spell vertical position (same as rings, in-game they're shifted 1/2 "pixel" from the "grid"; tell me if you catch more inconsistences in rendering)
  • added comments in the sample file since some people had trouble editing it
  • switched to local copy of jquery for true offline to be possible


Added options to toggle totals, names/emails, only first char. Also, in Firefox 8 localStorage bug is fixed, so cache will work there too.


  • colored distances from average
  • option to hide all items (gorzerk-mode)
  • names/emails --> emails
  • "left to max" now shows amount of potions (thanks zxcv)


A bunch of bug fixes, thanks joshd19 and Mcbeth for calling my attention to them!

  • hopefully fixed errors on unexpected input
  • fixed empty vault being empty
  • fixed "only first char" regression
  • fixed roll calculations for non-lvl20
  • added min-width to prevent the boxes from collapsing


Updated with the 4 new items (tomb rings and key).


  • added new items from build 121
  • now you can switch to testing by adding line "testing = 1" at the begginning or end of your accounts.js file


  • items as of build 122.0.1
  • "left to max" shows both points and potions for HP/MP


  • items preemptively updated for build 122.2 (123?)
  • new feature - extended character stats and death screen emulation
  • rough control to hide "bad" items (currently everything 1% fame or less, controlled by var FAMETHRESHOLD in the main script)
  • made stats copypaste-friendlyish by using <table>


  • build 122.3.2
  • fixed incorrect "Well Equipped" calculation with amulet on


version 0.2

  • using JQuery Masonry plugin to lay out the accounts
  • multi-column layout for accounts with several characters / vault chests
  • options are now in a hover-menu
  • mules are always in the same order
  • faster loading
  • corrected some problems with totals
  • toggle a mule in totals by clicking on account name
  • filter by any amount of fame bonus
  • fixed bugs with item search, tweaked selected item style
  • favicon by BMJ


version 0.2.1

  • fixed some visual bugs and edge cases introduced in previous update
  • back to old method of issuing requests (slow but more stable)
  • you can make options to stay open by clicking
  • moved additional stats to the bottom
  • updated JQuery


version 0.2.2

  • stars
  • automatic update checker


version 0.2.3

  • fixed star counter
  • better Opera compatibility
  • various performance optimizations
  • update checking is now on-demand


version 0.3: collaboration edition

  • 123.3 stats
  • export to TXT, CSV, JSON, PNG
  • accuracy and god kill ratio
  • fixed "sticky" options bug
  • new reload symbol
  • optional: one-click login -- by FizzeBu; more info above
  • optional: display prices from Kazansky -- by aiedail92; more info above



  • 123.3.2 items
  • fixed price guide url
  • fixed some visual glitches



  • 123.4.1 items
  • reduced probability of duplicate error messages



  • 123.4.4 items
  • ability to set options for each account individually - click account name for menu (intended use: keep global options to items only and expand the good accounts as needed)
  • added achievement progress calculation (thanks to Pfiffel, even though I didnt use your code)
  • vault chests are now in their in-game order (thanks to Hals for assistance)
  • improved page load time
  • added redirect to Kable's video



  • 123.5.0 items



  • authentic character portraits
  • fixed long names breaking the box



  • new accounts.js option: "nomasonry" - set to 1 to turn off smart layout
  • fixed some problems with per-account menus
  • ctrl-click on name toggles the account in the totals



  • ninja, 124.0 items



  • ninja equipment fame bonuses
  • fixed star color calculation



  • 3.1 items
  • made achievement progress and additional stats options independent of each other



  • 4.0 items
  • item names and tiers now match the in-game tooltips (except dosed items like elixirs)
  • fixed char description sometimes spanning more lines than it should



  • 5.0 items
  • added backpacks
  • fixed ninja equips position in totals


all your mules are belong to you