BodneyC / bolorscheme

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is half a practical way to quickly set up a colorscheme and half a way to quickly test a colorscheme with the intent to tweak it and fine tune it later.

It is pretty much a template system, you provide an object of colors and Bolorscheme does the rest.



use {
  branch = 'lua', -- This is the default but it's nice to be specific
  config = function()
    require'bolorscheme'.setup {theme = 'bolorscheme'} -- Name of the inbuilt scheme


Plug 'bodneyc/bolorscheme'

" Then, as early as possible
lua require'bolorscheme'.setup {theme = 'bolorscheme'}


These are the default configuration options which may be overriden:

  theme = 'bolorscheme',
  light = false,
  colors = nil,
  transparent = false,
  sidebars = {},
  scheme = {},
  styles = {
    commentStyle = 'italic',
    keywordStyle = 'italic',
    functionStyle = 'NONE',
    variableStyle = 'NONE',

You can either specify the colors directly with the same structure as those found in ./lua/bolorscheme/themes/.

Or if you wish to use an in built theme, leave colors as nil (or unspecified) and specify the basename of the file in the theme key.

E.g. for the plint theme, specify: {theme = 'plint'}.

For automatic color inversion and bg set to light, specify {light = true}.

In-built Themes

There are a few built into this repo which make use of the both the object above and scheme.lua; these serve to show how just setting the colors you like as above can set the whole theme:

  • Unicorn, which is purple-ish, pink-ish
  • Subdued, which is a fairly standard color palette but slightly softened
  • Plint, which is a low contrast minty scheme
  • Nord, which is a direct ripoff of the classic Nord theme
  • Tokyonight, which is a direct ripoff the Tokyonight theme (See Disclaimer for more...)

Note: None of the above are thoroughly planned out schemes, just examples.


A lualine configuration file, taking from the theme/colors you have specified, is provided in ./lua/lualine/themes/bolorscheme.lua.

Setting the lualine theme option to bolorscheme will set an appropriate theme.


There are a couple of utilities for taking the color dictionary loaded with Bolorscheme and generating theme configs for other programs.


Will create a config file for the Alacritty terminal with the name <theme-name>.alacritty.yaml in the current directory with the colors from the theme set.


Will create a config for the Kitty with the name <theme-name>.kitty.conf in the current directory with the colors from the theme set.

Note: The colors in the theme are more plentiful than the 16 colors permitted for both of the above configs, so I'm using the standard light/dark colors to create the configs.

Finally, there is an options for generating a theme from a Wal cached file, specifically $HOME/.cache/wal/colors.

This will create a config for Bolorscheme with the name <theme-name>.wal.lua which can then be used in Bolorscheme.

The Misc Folder

The files in ./misc are the use of the Generators to create Kitty and Alacritty theme files for each of the in-built themes.


Though the idea for Bolorscheme long pre-dates it, much of the lua code for this branch was stolen directly from the Tokyonight plugin - seemed pointless to reinvent the wheel but the concepts were different enough and most of the acting parts of the code would be changed enough for a fork not to be the right way to go.



Language:Lua 98.9%Language:Vim Script 1.1%