Bob620 / baka-rpc-go

Baka-rpc but for Go

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Baka-RPC implements the JSON-RPC 2.0 specifications with a small amount of custom Baka-RPC to Baka_RPC functionality for improving compression and data transfer when possible. A lot more can be done.

The registration of new methods can be a bit clunky visually, but is fairly easy to use.

Client Creation and Connection

Creating a new BakaRPC communication channel is easy.

// Default method can be passed existing chans, or nil
rpcClient := rpc.CreateBakaRpc(nil, nil)

// Helper chan creators exist for Gorilla Websockets and regular Reader/Writer streams
streamClient := rpc.CreateBakaRpc(rpc.MakeReaderChan(streamIn), rpc.MakeWriterChan(streamOut))

// Sometimes you want to make the RPC client before the channels have been finalized, or change the channels later.
//   Once the client is made you can tell it to use the new channels.
rpcClient.UseChannels(rpc.MakeReaderChan(streamIn), rpc.MakeWriterChan(streamOut))

rpcClient.HandleDisconnect(func(uuid *Interface{}) {
	// One of the channels disconnected.
  • Note: AddChannels allows for use of multiple channels and will send on all of them when making a call. Experimental.

Method Registration and Calling

It is generally Important to register basic methods before establishing connections. While the client will hold off until the other side confirms connection, if the other side has requests queued for delivery those will be sent asap.

This means that the requests could be processed before your code has the chance to register the corresponding methods.

Registering methods is handled strictly in order to guarantee compliance of input given to the method.


parameters.Param is the interface for all parameters implemented.

parameters includes several common basic variable types already implemented, GenericParam can be used to send any json.RawMessage data.

Parameters are made up of a Name, Default Value, and Required status.

Name is the name of the parameter in the method.

Default specifies the value.

Required tells Registration that it is required for the method to be called.

	Name:     "a param",
	Default:  json.RawMessage("{\"test\": \"object after Marshal\"}"),
	Required: false,


This next example creates a method named "Method Name", requiring a single string parameter named "a param" that echos back to the caller.

  • Note: This can be improved using Reflection to remove the manual casting step.
	"Method Name",
		&parameters.StringParam{Name: "a param", Required: true},
	}, func(params map[string]parameters.Param) (returnMessage json.RawMessage, err error) {
		// Unfortunately we know the type but still have to cast it.
		stringToEcho, _ := params["a param"].(*parameters.StringParam).GetString()
		log.Print("Received: ", stringToEcho)
		return json.Marshal(stringToEcho)

rpcClient.DeregisterMethod("Method Name")

Calling Methods

Methods, as specified in the JSON-RPC spec, must have an ordered and by-name system for calling.

  • Note: UUID is only useful with multiple channels, nil send on all channels.

rpcClient.CallMethodByName(UUID, MethodName, ...&parameters.GenercParam{})

rpcClient.CallMethodByPosition(UUID, MethodName, ...&parameters.GenericParam{})

rpcClient.CallMethodWithNone(UUID, MethodName)

These call the requested method if possible and params are valid, waiting for the remote client to respond. The return value will be a json.RawMessage for client-side handling as the Method makes no guarantee of the response.

  • Note: Using Reflection might be able to fix this but only for Baka-RPC communication
  • Note: Best practice is to include Name, even in Positional arguments, but it's not required.
rawData, resErr := rpcClient.Client.CallMethodByPosition(nil, "GetItem", &parameters.StringParam{Name: "itemID", Default: "123"})
if resErr != nil {
    return nil, errors.New(resErr.Message)

Notifying Methods

Notifying Methods are a method of Asynchronously calling a method and not caring about any return value. They work the same as Call equivalents; However, they do not wait for the Method to finish nor provide a return value.

rpcClient.NotifyMethodByName(UUID, MethodName, ...&parameters.GenercParam{})

rpcClient.NotifyMethodByPosition(UUID, MethodName, ...&parameters.GenericParam{})

rpcClient.NoptifyMethodWithNone(UUID, MethodName)


Baka-rpc but for Go

License:MIT License


Language:Go 100.0%