BoSott / random_walk

Random walker simulation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Random Walk Simulation

Write an extended random walk program

In this repo you find a basic implementation of a random walk simulation in 2-dimensional space taken from this blogpost. Running the code yields an image which shows the path of the random walk.

The result will be directly shown to the user and additionally saved as png.

random_walk start: point; end: cross

An example for the landscape raster walker img_1.png

Setting up the project

  1. clone repository
  2. setup a virtual environment
  3. activate the virtual environment
  4. install required libs and packages locally (see requirements.txt)

For the advanced geoscripting course:

  • activate the corresponding virtual environment
  • run conda install -c conda-forge click
  • run pip install --editable .

How to run the tool

$ random_walker

Usage: random_walker [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --verbose TEXT  Will print verbose messages.
  --help          Show this message and exit.

  run  execute command to generate random walkers

How to use the run method

Usage: random_walker run [OPTIONS]

  execute command to generate random walkers

  -ts, --total_steps INTEGER    Specify the number of total steps for each
                                random walker, Default is 10,000, Minimum 100

  -tw, --total_walkers INTEGER  Specify the number of total walkers, Default
                                is 1, Minimum is 1

  -ss, --step_size INTEGER      Specify the size of the steps taken, Default
                                is 1

  -l, --landscape BOOLEAN       Specify whether a grid landscape exists as
                                base layer or not, Default is False

  -sp, --start_point BOOLEAN    Specify whether the walkers shall start from
                                the same point or not, Default is False

  -mp, --mov_pattern BOOLEAN    Specify the neighborhood movement pattern,
                                False is Neumann, True is Moor

  --help                        Show this message and exit.


random_walker run --total_steps 10000 --step_size 2 -l False


Random walker simulation


Language:Python 100.0%