Blueshoe / Django-Database-Anonymizer

Management Command to replace privacy-sensitive data with mock data.

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Django Database Anonymizer

Management Command to replace privacy-sensitive data with mock data.

This is useful when you want to use nearly-real data and relations in your development and stagings systems. By keeping relations and only replacing defined fields, the development systems keep as close to your live system as possible.

This approach differs the tool from eg. django-autofixture. It is inspired by django-anonymizer.

Installation & Requirements

To use this tool, just copy this django app in your django project and add it to your INSTALLED_APPS.

The package django-bulk-update is needed, you can install it via pip:

pip install django-bulk-update

It is tested in Python 2.7 with Django 1.8

Management command

python anonymize_db

Possible arguments:

  • -a, --app: Define a app you want to anonymize. All anonymizers in this app will be run. Eg. anonymize_db -a shop.order
  • -m, --models: List of models you want to anonymize. Eg. ```anonymize_db -m Patient,BasketLine
  • -b, --batch-size: batch size used in the bulk_update of the instances. Depends on the DB machine. Default is 500.

Writing anonymizers

In order to use the management command we need to define anonymizers.

  • Create a module in the given django-app
  • An anonymizer is a simple class that inherits from BaseAnonymizer
  • Each anonymizer class is going to represent one model
  • An anonymizer has the following members:
    • model: (required) The model class for this anonymizer
    • attributes: (required) List of tuples that determine which fields to replace. The first value of the tuple is the fieldname, the second value is the replacer
    • get_query_set(): (optional) Define your QuerySet
  • A replacer is either of type str or callable
  • There are already common replacers defined in anonymizer.replacers use it for your fields!


from anonymizer import replacers
from anonymizer.base import BaseAnonymizer
from shop.patient.models import Patient

class PatientAnonymizer(BaseAnonymizer):
    model = Patient

    attributes = [
        ('first_name', 'Dieter'),
        ('last_name', replacers.last_name),

        ('street', replacers.street),
        ('house_number', replacers.random_int),
        ('postcode', replacers.postcode),


    def get_query_set(self):
        return Patient.objects.filter(pk=168460)

Extending the existing replacers with arguments

Use lambdas to extend certain predefined replacers with arguments, like length or length_range on random_string:

('first_name', lambda **kwargs: replacers.random_string(length=5, **kwargs)),
('last_name', lambda **kwargs: replacers.random_string(length_range=(2, 5), **kwargs)),

Important: don't forget the **kwargs!

Writing your own replacers

Again, you can use lambdas to write simple custom replacers like:

('first_name', lambda **kwargs: 'Vorher war es {}'.format(kwargs.get('field_value'))),

The lambda needs to return a string.

If you want to write more complex replacers, you might want to outsource it into its own method:

def commission_replacer(**kwargs):
    :type obj: BasketLine
    if isinstance(kwargs.get('instance').basket_group, StockBasketGroup):
        if obj.commission == 'Lager':
            return field  # This is a 'real' stock order, keep it
    # This is a PatientOrder or a StockOrder with probably a patient name as commission
    return replacers.last_name(**kwargs)

Create new values based on the current value

Sometimes it makes sense to don't add random values to the field, but just change the current value a bit.

Inside the kwargs are those two key-value pairs:

  • instance: The model instance that is about to be anonymized
  • field_value: The value of the field of the instance that is about to be anonymized. It is a shortcut for getattr(instance, field_name)

You can use it like the following to eg. increment the current value by 1

def incrementor_replacer(**kwargs):
    return kwargs.get('field_value') + 1



Management Command to replace privacy-sensitive data with mock data.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%