Blqtent / stdlib-urcl

stdlib interpretation in URCL

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


stdlib interpretation in URCL Currently contains functions:

  • malloc (size goes into R1)
  • free (pointer goes into R1)
  • printf (string pointer goes into R1, additional arguments can be used via PSH)
  • print_str (string pointer goes into R1, literally just prints string)
  • memcpy (destination pointer goes into R1, source pointer goes into R2, size goes into R3)
  • init_malloc (no arguments, required for malloc and free to work)
  • strcpy (R1 - destination, R2 - source)


// ...
IMM R1 5 // size
CAL .malloc // output in R1
// ...


IMM R1 5
CAL .malloc
// ...
MOV R1 R2 // putting pointer in R1
CAL .free // now there is no data in memory location at R1


IMM R1 .str
PSH .str2
CAL .printf // output in console: "hello world\n"

  dw [ "hello %s" 0xa0 0 ]
  dw [ "world" 0 ]


IMM R1 .str
CAL .print_str // output in console: "hello world\n"
  DW [ "hello world" 0xa0 0 ]


IMM R1 .some_pointer // some pointer may be M0 or smth
IMM R2 .str
IMM R3 5 // size of .str, or amount of chars u want to copy
CAL .memcpy // now in R1 (.some_pointer) store some amount of chars from .str


CAL .init_malloc // this simple

Example of project:

bits == 16
minreg 10
minheap 0xfff // min reqs
minstack 0xff

imm r1 16
cal .malloc
psh r1
imm r2 .data
cal .strcpy
pop r1
cal .printf
cal .render_string

dw [ "hello world" 0xa0 0 ]


stdlib interpretation in URCL