BlockBeatsOfficial / RESTful-API

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Blockbeats RESTful-API


1 Specifications

1.1 Communication Protocol

HTTPS protocol

1.2 Request Method

All endpoints only support GET requests.

1.3 Character Encoding

UTF-8 character encoding is used for both HTTPS communication

1.4 Request Message Structure

1.4.1 Flash Details

  • ** article **
  • Endpoint: open-api/open-flash?size={size}&page={page}&type={type}

1.4.2 Query

"page":1,  //page
"size":10, //size
"type":push //important news
"lang":cn //language cn,en,cht

1.7 Response Message Structure

1.7.1 Structure Description

All endpoint responses are in JSON format. Unless specified otherwise, each response contains the following fields:

Parameter Name Description
title flash title
content flash content
pic flash image
link BlockBeats link
url url
create_time create time

1.7.2 Response Message Example

	"status": 0,
	"message": "获取成功",
	"data": {
		"page": 1,
		"data": [
				"id": 147280,
				"title": "MULTI短时上涨逼近5美元,24小时涨幅超40%",
				"content": "BlockBeats 消息,5 月 28 日,行情数据显示,MULTI(Multichain)短时上涨逼近 5 美元,现报价 4.73 美元,24 小时涨幅 41.62%。",
				"pic": "",
				"link": "",
				"url": "",
				"create_time": "1685275243"

2.1 Article Details

  • ** article **
  • Endpoint: open-api/open-information?size={size}&page={page}&type={type}

2.1.1 Quest

"page":1,  //page
"size":10, //size
"type":push //important news
"lang":cn //language cn,en,cht

All endpoint responses are in JSON format. Unless specified otherwise, each response contains the following fields:

Parameter Name Description
title Article title
description Article description
content Article content
link BlockBeats link
url url
create_time create time


	"status": 0,
	"message": "获取成功",
	"data": {
		"page": "2",
		"data": [
				"title": "原生资产VS桥接资产:加密货币的安全之路",
				"description": "了解和区分加密货币的原生资产与跨链桥资产的重要性。",
				"content": "",
				"link": "",
				"pic": ",q_50/format,webp",
				"column ": "DeFi",
				"create_time": "1684998869",
				"is_original": true

3 Appendix - Response Code Description

Response Code Description
0 Processed successfully

