Blearybear / CS.11.03-Lab.3.1

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Objectives Learn how to use logical operators, arithmetic operators, and if statements to make decisions in your code.

Description One of the first games coded for early computers in the 1970s was called Colossal Cave Adventure. It was a text-based interactive fiction game where you had to make your way through an elaborate cave. The program only understood one word, such as, north, south, enter, take, or or phrase-commands, such as, drink water. You can try playing Colossal Cave Adventure recreated online following some of the commands in this walkthrough. Part of the challenge for the user is discovering the commands (vocabulary) that the program understands. Try out the program given with the starter code. This is a very simple adventure game that could let the user move in four directions. The starter code lets the user move north only.

Your Task Create a game that follows the style of text-based games. You will have to use all that we have learned so far. Your game must include:

  • A clear storyline with a beginning and end.
  • Users have to be able to win or lose.
  • At least one variable of type int/double, and one of type String.
  • Use of operators (*,+.-, /, %). Minimum one each.
  • At least two comparison operators (.equals() counts)
  • At least one logical operator.
  • At least 10 conditional statements. (if, if/else, if/else if/else).
  • At least 10 different methods with a variety of return types.

As long as it's appropriate for school, you may have any kind of storyline for your adventure.



Language:Java 100.0%