BlazeStorm001 / Dueling-DQN-Dual-Hormone-T1D

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Dual Hormone Controller for Type 1 Diabetes based on Dueling Deep Q-Network and Insulin Action Replay

Research Paper Abstract

Type 1 Diabetic patients require exogenous insulin delivery to maintain normal blood glucose levels. Recent advancements in diabetes technology, such as Artificial Pancreas (AP) systems, have improved management by enabling Closed-loop Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion (CSII), reducing patient burden and lowering the risk of hypoglycemia. Traditional control algorithms like PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) and MPC (Model Predictive Control), commonly used in insulin pumps, improve glycemic control but often lack adaptability to the changing physiological state of a patient. In this study, we propose a Reinforcement Learning (RL)–based Deep Q-Learning Agent to control insulin delivery in Type 1 Diabetic patients. Our method utilizes dual hormone therapy to automate the delivery of basal insulin and glucagon for enhanced glucose management. A novel technique, Insulin Action Replay, addresses the delayed effects of insulin during agent training. Using the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved University of Virginia/Padova Type 1 Diabetes Simulator, we conducted in silico experiments on ten individuals from both adult and adolescent cohorts. Compared to the standard Basal-Bolus Treatment with Low Glucose Suspend, our model showed superior Time-in-Range (TIR) performance. For the adult cohort, our approach achieved 87.2% TIR, outperforming the random replay (83.8%) and baseline (76.2%) models. Similarly, the adolescent cohort showed improvements with 87.2% TIR, compared to 86.4% for random replay and 75.6% for the baseline. These results suggest that our approach enhances adaptability and could supplement current methods in glycemic control.

Paper currently submitted to Elsevier Engineering Applications of AI

Preliminary Project Report can be Found Here

Model Architecture

Model Architecture


Namit Arora , Gorseet Paul Singh, et el.
